An Appeal to Professing Christian Women Who Support Abortion – by Amy Schlichter

I am fairly disturbed about something I recently read and wanted to share it with you. A dramatic cultural lie of destruction has slunk its way into the church pew, and rested upon the lips of Christian women. I want you to be aware.

It is hard to believe that anything can make me sicker than the thought of little boys and girls being ripped apart and sucked into a death vacuum, but something has grabbed my attention and by far has my confidence slinking back from church-goers and more desiring to stand on the outskirts to this twisted way of proposed thinking.
Abortion is disturbing enough without the proclamation of a religious twist, but let’s adventure into an avenue of disgusting rhetoric as I send an appeal and plea out to specifically Christian women. While this may involve others, my focus is women. My focus is Christian women.

Let me lay out the groundwork here… The other day I ran across a post that expressed the idea that many women after having an abortion would get a tattoo to commemorate their child’s death. I had to sit in that a while.

After turning my head to the side with a distorted look on my face for some time, and contemplating the sheer ridiculous notion that this might be something that really happens, I realized I had no words to express how I felt about that. Until now.

I had to do some research for myself and try to understand, if possible, what in the world would possess a woman to do such a thing. If such a thing really existed. This is what I discovered.

Not only is this a true common event, it is done with a hint of Christian zing. It happens a bit like this: A women makes the decision to murder her baby, sets up an appointment for the procedure, signs a waiver of permission, undresses, lays down to allow the murder and removal to take place, gets dressed, and then schedules a time to get a pretty tattoo generally with a cross and scripture to remember her dead baby.

Here are just a few “abortion phrases” that are suggested online to someone getting an abortion tattoo: “Loved and lost, but never forgotten.” “Ever connected by the cord of love.” “Your footprints are ever in my heart.” “A mother’s love does not forget.” “Gone for now, but never forgotten.” And, my personal favorite. “Blown from the hand of God.” Many celebrate it by sharing online with friends and family, and everyone says… “Aw… how sweet is that!”

Here is the kicker for me. Like I even needed a kicker after that! Many that do this say that they are Christians. They say they believe in God, they believe in Jesus, they believe in heaven…they say. And many who support them spout the believer’s rhetoric and ooo and aww over some dry ink embedded on her skin, while a child lays dead in a trash heap somewhere.


I agree that aborted babies are sweet ones, “blown (created) by the hand of God.” I’m not mad that someone uses that to describe an aborted boy or girl. I’m mad because someone killed them in the first place and then they justify it or try to spin it by adding some holier-than-thou slang term in order to make it sound better. I’m mad because that baby should be here and I’m mad that their mother walked them to the slaughter.

It blows my mind that these women desire to get pretty flower tattoos and footprints permanently placed on her body with a murder date to memorialize their child’s death that they willingly allowed to happen. To remember the child that may have been. Many of the ideas and phrases that people suggest sound much like something a craving grieving mother who lost her baby through miscarriage would use. There is a huge difference between a mother of a dead miscarried baby and a dead aborted baby. That needs no explanation here.


Here is the real icing on the cake for me… This is the response that they get from other Christian women: Supportive. Collective. Complacent. “I’m so sorry for your loss…Jesus gained another angel” some say. As their compassion drifts away from a child that was decapitated and dismembered, and focus mainly on the woman’s sad tattoo. She lost a baby, how poor and wretched her heart must be. One said, “I think it’s sweet that you want to get a tattoo to remember the baby who once was.” “It was the best choice, I’m so sorry you had to go through this.” “God knows you are sorry, but it was the best thing.” And, “its ok, God understands.” What!!??

Listen, my disclaimer is this. I hate to see women hurting. I like to make people feel better. I can’t stand to watch someone cry. I love women! I am a women! I have daughters and grand-daughters! But…hello! Don’t lie to them!!

One thing I teach my kids is that when someone does something wrong to you and then they approach you with, “I’m sorry.” It is good for you to accept their apology. But never do I want them to say…”it’s ok.”

If someone hits my son, then comes up later and says I’m sorry…that’s good. But my son is not encouraged by me to say, “It’s ok” in a response back, because it’s NOT ok. It’s not ok that someone hit you. It’s not ok that someone trashed your toy. It’s not ok that someone hurt you. What my kids can say is…”thank you!” Thank you for your apology. But it’s not ok that you did what you did.


The same goes with women who get abortions. It’s not ok. It’s not ok that you gave someone the permission to murder your little girl. It’s not ok that you signed your name on a piece of paper, laid down and allow someone to rip out your little boy from his safe place. You are mommy. What the heck!

It’s not ok that women act this way. It’s not ok for women to say they are Christians especially, by using the claim of Christ, then go murder their children. And…it’s not ok for people of the church to tell them it’s ok to do so or that its ok that they did so… it’s never going to be ok.

Forgiveness…yes. Making it into nothing for the sake of a woman’s feelings, giving her a false reality…no! Come on church! These women will never see the truth if everyone keeps patting them on the head and admiring their tattoo. What has happened goes much deeper than this.

As a believer in Jesus, I just want to pause to say this… believing in something takes action that is what tells others WHAT you believe. So, for me to just say I believe in something… that is not enough, but if my actions coincide with what I say then that will paint the picture of what I truly do believe. Make sense? In other words, I can say I believe I am an astronaut all day long but if I don’t fly to space in a super cool suit I’m just a fabricator who wants to moon-walk.

This is my appeal and plea to professing Christian women who abort children or who support abortion. I have come to this conclusion.

1. They do not believe that God uses all things for good for those who love Him. If they did they would surrender themselves to Him and know that He will bring joy, beauty, and redemption out of all ashes and circumstance.

2. They do not believe that God creates human life. If they do, they must feel they have more control over conception that the biblical truth that God is the One who opens the womb.

3. And they must believe that they have permission to smash the life God has allowed to come to exist, as long as it provides convenience for them. This concludes that they must believe that God loves their lives much more than the life of the little baby that is living inside their womb.

4. They fear the future of inconvenience more than fearing facing the Living Jesus who sacrificed Himself for mankind. The conversation that God has with them on how willing they were to be a sacrifice to others, is probably assumed will never happen.

5. They must have somewhere forgotten that God hates sin, has wrath against it, and commands us not to murder. What they think they believe is simply not true.

My argument would be this as a summary. While I am shocked to see the depravity so plainly in people, I can’t be too stunned. When I first heard of Christians acting this way, I was so perplexed and couldn’t understand it. Later I realized that I know why. They are not believers. They do not follow Christ. They cannot be expected to act like believers. They follow something, but it’s not Jesus. If they claim to know Him and love Him, they are lying.

Jesus laid down His life for human beings, He sacrificed Himself. Those that are willing to kill their own sons and daughters are deceived into thinking that they are ok to make their children the sacrifice in order for them to live a life free of the burden of that child being alive.

They cannot follow Jesus unless they repent and turn away from supporting child killing. For grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, friends, mentors, pastors, etc. who go to church and encourage someone in your family or circle to kill her child. Well, my head is still twisted to the side on that one, you will be held accountable for that. No pretty tattoo makes that ok.

For mothers who have given the authority to murder your children, that authority was never yours. There is always compassion, forgiveness, healing, help, friendship, etc. I work every day with women who have aborted their children. We stand side by side advocating for the preborn in Indiana without hesitation. There is something that has happened in their lives that has changed their hearts…and it’s beautiful.

That is there for every woman, but the reason many don’t see it or grasp it is because, “Christians” keep telling them it’s ok, that what they did is no big deal, and so they go on with no responsibility and no regard for the value of human life. As long as they feel better, well…that’s all that matters.

It’s time to tell the truth about abortion. Women can handle it. They need it, they need to deal with the truth head on. Christians need to get real with this. Only then will things really change.

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