Inside the Swamp – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

“We’ll use everything we’ve got to oppose him. We’re not going to repeal or help him repeal Obamacare. We are not going to roll back Dodd-Frank. We’re not going to help him build his wall.” ~ Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

President Trump needs to reassess “acquaintances” from his old neighborhood; New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer in particular.

Every action by President Trump will be opposed by Democrats, without quarter; to the Supreme Court if necessary. There will be no compromise on Obamacare repeal. It’s all about the control of 20% of the U.S. economy – not healthy citizens.

Democrats will not help the president “roll back” Dodd-Frank. It guarantees “too big to fail” will remain as policy, to control the banking industry. Americans don’t know it caused the failure of 2,000 smaller, local banks.

And Chuck Schumer will resist “the Wall” until his dying breath. If it’s built, millions of future Democrat voters won’t happen. Schumer’s dream is a wide-open border; deportation forbidden.

“America First”? Not in the Democrats’ swamp manual. The president needs to ignore the globalist Cohn-Kushner team and listen to his base. His promises were made to them.

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