PASSOVER SHENI – by Donna Beccia Carick

We’ve all heard of Passover, but what is Passover Sheni?  “Passover Sheni” means “Second Passover.”  According to the Bible, Passover is always celebrated on the fourteenth day of the month of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar, which is after the spring equinox.  It is a commemoration of the day when the Israelites, under the leadership of Moses, were delivered from the tenth plague of Egypt, the death of all the firstborn males.  Death “passed over” their houses, while all the Egyptian households were effected.

After the Israelites were delivered, they began an annual commemoration of the event, which is called Passover.  According to the regulations set forth by God, a person must be clean physically and spiritually in order to participate in the celebration meal.  If they had livestock that died, or family members that died, during this period of time preceding Passover, their contact with the dead body would make them unclean.  Thus, they could not participate in Passover.  The Israelites who were unclean went to Moses and asked if there was any other option for them, since they didn’t want to miss the celebration.  Moses sought God’s answer, and then told these Israelites that God would provide a second chance for them to celebrate.  It would be “Passover Sheni,” and would occur one month after the original Passover celebration.

After the original Passover Sheni, seen in Numbers 9, there was another example that occurred in 2 Chronicles 30.  King Hezekiah decreed an official celebration of Passover Sheni during his reign.  If it’s good enough for King Hezekiah, it’s good enough for the people of Evansville!


Shalom Yeshua Ministries is hosting a “Passover Sheni” celebration on May 9, 2017, at 6:00 to 9:00 PM, at their facility, at 430 Washington Avenue, in Evansville.  The celebration will include lamb, matzah crackers, a mixture of apples called “charoseth”, and some other items on the Seder plate.  Each person who attends must bring a small bottle of grape juice, which will be used as part of the ceremony.  The cost for the evening is $15.00.  Tickets must be purchased by May 5, by ordering online at  If you prefer to pay for tickets with cash, please call (812) 297-9988 to make arrangements.

Donna Beccia Carick is co-leader of Shalom Yeshua Ministries.  She can be reached at  The ministry’s Facebook page is

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