False Marketing Kills Thousands – by Amy Schlichter

Amy Schlichter

Last week I spent my Friday standing outside an abortion clinic in Indy. This facility kills their fair share of babies every week towards our statewide statistic of 8000+ abortions a year.

The building sits in a fairly busy minority neighborhood. People are walking, driving, traveling constantly through the parking lot and down the side street adjacent to the clinic.

Next door is the Family and Children Services where people are in and out all day long. These two structures are divided by a tall privacy fence, but it’s a perfect location for the intent and purpose of this clinic.

From the main road to the building is a hedge blocking off most of the view. If you were to drive past in your car, you would be able to see the top portion of the abortion clinic and nothing else.

For the most part, this place is unseen and easily looked over. At first glance it appears to be a simple medical building that operates in an obscure fashion with no concern to others. It’s not flashy and does not draw attention to itself, but what may appear unsubstantial happens to be one of the most gruesome murder scenes in Indiana.

Many women walked into the Women’s Med Center at 1201 N Arlington Ave. with a baby growing inside them, and almost all walked out leaving their dead child behind for the clinic workers to dispose of.

We stood alongside the parameters of the parking lot praying and pleading with the mothers to love their children and find it within themselves to walk away from the intention inside the building at Arlington.

Many held signs that said things like, “We can help you,” “Children are a gift from God,” and “Abortion is not the answer.” There were several signs out by the main road for passersby to see that said, “Babies are murdered here.” This sign is what undeniably caused the most conversation.

A lady from the area approached me dumbfounded, she asked with high concern, “Was someone murdered here?” Her questioning was honest, I could tell he had no idea.

I said, “Ma’am babies are murdered here every Friday… this building is an abortion facility.” She slapped her hand over her mouth as if disgusted and completely shocked. She stumbled through her words, “What!? I never knew… I just live just a few blocks away… I never knew that’s what they do here.” She walked around all of our signs, reading each one and taking it all in. She was stunned and speechless, tears fell down her cheeks.

Image from Right to Life of Southwest Indiana

Another woman just happened to be walking past. It was a similar scenario. She could hardly catch her breath. She had experienced two miscarriages when she was younger. Her eyes welled up with tears that could not stay contained. For over an hour she stayed doing nothing but crying. She vowed to let others in her community know what they do at the Center.

Another couple came to the clinic, the woman was thought to be pregnant and heard you could get a free pregnancy test there. When we told her it was an abortion clinic she about tripped over her own feet to back away from the building.

A volunteer went and bought her pregnancy tests and explained to her where she could go to get any needed help.

There were many other locals who were unaware and visibly upset when told what the clinic specializes in.


The Women’s Med Center is competition to Planned Parenthood, and they have the upper hand. They don’t contain the stigma that follows PP when it comes to the correlation to killing babies. They just sound like and look like a non-threatening medical building that has latex gloves on the wall and employees wearing scrubs. They conceal themselves by their marketing brand and name. Their logo is a butterfly and how dangerous could a butterfly be?

The community there remains unaware that little boys and girls are murdered there every week. On Friday they killed over 20 children by people who love their jobs. Don’t take my word for it, this was taken from this website:

“Our staff love their jobs… A trained professional will thoroughly explain the abortion procedure, after care instructions and birth control methods.”

Some love killing babies. That a hard fact. Some promote and protect the practice of abortion, and this includes those that work at 1201 N Arlington. They smile as you walk in, offer personalized care, put their hands on your back and assure you they can help.

Then they lovingly kill your baby.

Three women on Friday walked past us and into the clinic, then thankfully they changed their minds and chose a different path. Being there makes a difference for those little ones.

If you would like to join Hoosiers for Life in reaching the community at 1201 N Arlington, contact us at hoosiersforlifeteam@gmail.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/hoosierbabies

Amy Schlichter Executive Director 260-302-LIFE

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