The BS of the BSA: Indoctrination Through Education – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

What progressives cannot achieve through legislation or an activist judicial system they accomplish using propaganda and indoctrination through education.

But the scope of the progressives’ educational pollution has widened, increasingly infecting a long-established traditional American institution: the Boy Scouts of America or, BSA.

The Girl Scouts succumbed to a feminist ideology over a decade ago, but now their older brother has been co-opted by progressive activists.

BSA leadership first mistakenly allowed openly homosexual scout masters in the name of “equality” and the losses to membership were substantial. Then the move to allow boys with gender identity disorders (transgenders) into the scouting ranks drove more parents to pull their children from an increasingly degraded environment. Secular progressivism had polluted another respected American institution and parents of faith removed their young, impressionable children.

Image result for boy scouts transgenderismNow the BSA leadership has embraced the radical equality movement again, announcing last week that it will recruit girls to join the boys, even though the Girl Scouts exists for females. It comes as no surprise that a major supporter pushing the idea of girls being boys is the National Organization for Women (NOW). Yes, the same pro-abortion group that sponsored the vulgar “Women’s March on DC” the day after President Trump’s Inauguration.

The Girl Scouts, sensing a future drain from membership, said this on October 12: “The Boy Scouts’ house is on fire. Instead of addressing systemic issues of continuing sexual assault, financial mismanagement and deficient programming, BSA’s senior management wants to add an accelerant to the house fire by recruiting girls.”

People complain about those who are devoid of character, the most recent example of this emptiness being Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood mogul and celebrity-maker. But they ignore these progressives, the same who take apart organizations that build male character – such as the Boy Scouts.

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