Despicable Behavior: Politicizing Our Fallen Heroes – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The Russia/Trump collusion hoax is disintegrating before the eyes of the Left and they’re desperate to put Trump away. Since their scam is being exposed, their new plan is to declare President Trump “mentally unfit for office.” Despicable leftists plan to use the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to remove Donald Trump from office. Every opportunity to paint him as a “white supremacist”, a racist, will be used mercilessly to diabolically build a case.

They are even twisting his words to politicize condolence calls for American troops killed in action. Sgt. La David Johnson and three fellow U.S. Army Rangers were killed in the African nation of Niger by Islamist militants affiliated with the Islamic State.

Four American soldiers are dead, casualties of combat in the service of our country. President Trump made four phone calls to the survivors of these heroes, to parents or spouses. The calls were all the same, dealing with the same tragic incident, delivered with our nation’s gratitude by the President of the United States. Three fallen soldiers were white; one was black. The widow of the black soldier, Myeshia Johnson, did not receive a phone call that was different than the others. Then why washer call from the president deemed “offensive” in tone and “inconsiderate” in descriptions given to the press? Why weren’t the others? Because Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) listened in on the call, and convinced Mrs. Johnson and the media that the president’s comments were inappropriate.

So that’s the way the press reported it and another attack was launched against President Trump. Rep. Wilson despises Donald Trump; she hates him. Nothing he could say, even expressing his grief in an attempt to comfort a U.S. Army widow, would be acceptable with Rep. Wilson.

Image result for rep. wilson“…This gentleman has a brain disorder,” said Rep. Wilson, describing her impression of President Trump’s call. She has called him a “racist” as she chants for his impeachment. Her performance to gain leftist notoriety was despicable but expected, judging by her past verbal assaults on the president. This time her act was obscene; Rep. Wilson inserted herself into a family’s private tragedy for personal political gain.

In a White House press briefing on October 19, White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly (USMC, Retired) gave a lesson on respect, propriety and morality to the collected press and Rep. Wilson in particular. “Is there nothing sacred anymore?” he asked in frustration, dismayed at the immature indifference and lack of respect from many in the media and Congress. Kelly used the metaphor of an “empty barrel” to illustrate Rep. Wilson’s mindlessness, a phrase used since the time of the Roman Empire and, more recently, by Shakespeare and Abraham Lincoln. She didn’t get it, so she consulted a dictionary. It wasn’t noted there, so she deferred to the fall-back Democrat position: the metaphor used by Kelly was racist.

Related imageGeneral John Kelly said he was “stunned and broken-hearted” when he heard the words from the congresswoman in the reporting last Wednesday morning; he was truly shaken, having lost a son in Afghanistan in 2010. “It simply stuns me that a congresswoman would listen in to a conversation,” said Kelly.

Her action deeply offends those with a sense of honor and duty to country. It exhibits her lack of respect for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms and dishonors grieving families. Our culture, traditions and protocol to honor our fallen have been damaged by a self-centered congresswoman crying “Racism!”

Rep. Wilson’s despicable behavior to impugn Trump and Kelly as racists is an embarrassment for our nation. Her vicious attacks on President Trump, and against General Kelly after his heartfelt address, are inexcusable. The faux cowgirl sporting empty hats should resign in disgrace.

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