Happy Veterans Day – by State Senator Jim Tomes

State Senator Jim Tomes

99 years is a long time. Monday, November 11, 1918 was a day to be enshrined in history because the fighting in World War I had ended, and seven months later, the Treaty of Versailles was signed.

In 1938, it became a legal holiday… and today, Armistice Day, which is now Veterans Day… honors Americans of all wars. That would take us back to the Revolutionary War and all the way to the current times.

That adds up to a lot of brave fighting men and now women who serve in the United States armed forces. No matter how you slice it, they are an elite group of people.

They are on the front line, the outpost, the wall between liberty and tyranny, between freedom and captivity. These warriors stand straight and tall. They don’t kneel.

Even as time and age brings on physical changes in that courageous, special breed, nothing can erase away their spirit de corps.

To all those magnificent American fighters living, and those who have joined their fallen comrades, we stand and hold salute to you and the flag you fought under.

The price for freedom is rendered on the battlefield, not a ball field.

Happy Veterans Day. – State Senator Jim Tomes


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