Amnesty ‘Snow Job’: Placing the Cart Before the Horse – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Today it begins; the “immigration debate” re-launches in the U.S. Senate. President Trump made his offer back in January and some say it is still “on the table.” But his offer – his “deal” – doesn’t match what his campaign promises said, at all. His base knows it and is upset about it.

On August 31, 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump said this on the campaign trail in Phoenix, Arizona:

“In several years, when we have accomplished all of our enforcement goals – and truly ended illegal immigration for good, including the construction of a great wall, and the establishment of our new lawful immigration system – then and only then will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those who remain. That discussion can only take place in an atmosphere in which illegal immigration is a memory of the past, allowing us to weigh the different options available based on the new circumstances at the time.”

The important phrase is “then and only then” for the disposition of the remnant.

Image result for trump phoenixWhy now, with his 1.8 million-amnesty proposal for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) made at the end of last month, is President Trump abandoning the common sense he showed on the campaign trail in Phoenix? Is it because of the perception that he must be “bipartisan,” otherwise any discussion of immigration law reform would be illegitimate?

He needs to stand on the parameters he set, since his base still believes in those, as most Americans do and reason dictates.

The Trump administration’s proposal grants amnesty to 1.8 million illegal aliens, not the 690,000 who actually registered for DACA when it was illegally initiated. With this amnesty plan comes citizenship. And in this deal’s framework, any real cutbacks on chain migration won’t be in effect for at least a decade. If no border security or walls are required to be complete before the amnesty is given, the mistakes made in 1986 will be repeated, except on a larger scale.

Image result for reagan immigration reform actAs President Ronald Reagan was burned by progressives’ promises of border security in 1986 in the Immigration Reform and Control Act, so it will be this time. This amnesty will encourage greater illegal alien invasion; border security will be promised but not realized. It will be déjà vu 1986.

And DACA is misrepresented by Democrats. It’s not what it’s painted to be. Democrats and progressive Republicans have sold an amnesty snow job in their portrayal of the DACA “Dreamers.”

Pro-DACA progressives lament that Dreamers, “brought to this country through no fault of their own,” would face undue hardship if returned to their nations of origin, since they’re unable to speak their parents’ native tongue and are ignorant of their home countries’ cultural norms.

Despite DACA requirements, only 49% of DACA beneficiaries have a high school education (their average age is now 24). As of August, 2017 the number of Dreamers who had their eligibility terminated for criminal convictions or gang activity was 2,139. CIS (the Center for Immigration Studies) estimates that 24% are functionally illiterate and 46% have only “basic English ability.” It seems a large percentage of Dreamers have serious limitations in education and English fluency, affecting their ability to adequately function in American society. And chain migration must end. A recent study found, of the 33 million legal immigrants who came here in the last 35 years, 61% were from chain migration.

Image result for trump amnestyUntil the myriad of enforcement problems at the border and inside our nation are resolved and existing immigration law is enforced, there should be no amnesty of any kind awarded to anyone here illegally, of any age, gender or situation. That would be placing the cart before the horse.

Turn off the faucet that’s flooding your floor. Then, and only then, can you mop up the water on the floor.

And don’t buy an amnesty snow job.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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