Border Reality: Barack Obama’s Invitations Haven’t Expired – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Apprehensions at the U.S. southern border in March, 2018 were 50,308, versus those in March, 2017 at 16,588. That’s an unbelievable increase of over 303%.

Border crossings were trending down Trump’s first year, but no longer. The proposed amnesty for 1.8 million illegal aliens under the illegal DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program, rules for OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) who aren’t turned back at the border but allowed in for legal processing by a federal judge, and Barack Obama’s encouragement to Central American illegals to seek residence here, particularly minors, has stimulated another surge of Central Americans to attempt to penetrate the U.S. southern border. The “Wall” hasn’t been erected yet, so they come in before it is, and Democrats are cheering them on.

If you are a Mexican, you can be turned around and sent back across the border. If you are an OTM, you are processed, released into the U.S. and told to come back in 2-3 months when your court date arrives. Of course, the chances of ever seeing these illegal aliens in a courtroom of their own volition are slim. Add to that the huge backlog of cases and the shortage of judges to process them and the situation becomes completely unmanageable.

Image result for “caravan” of illegals from Honduras winding its way through MexicoThe “caravan” of illegals from Honduras winding its way through Mexico (estimated at 150,000) is rumored to be

disintegrating, at least according to an embedded reporter from Taking reports from BuzzFeed
with a dose of suspicion is required, but even if true, we can expect hundreds of these Hondurans to make their way to the U.S. border, caravan or no caravan.

This is an obvious display of disregard for our immigration laws and our national sovereignty. But after years of nonchalance in our border enforcement and outright law breaking by the previous “open borders” administration, what are we to expect?

President Trump hatched a “bargain” with Mexico to disband or disperse the “caravan” illegals coming from Honduras through Mexico, under threat of dissolution of NAFTA. However, illegals are still pressing forward in smaller groups. When they arrive here, chances are they’ll stay, due to the many holdovers from the Obama

administration still inside the Border Patrol bureaucracy. Hence Trump’s move to rush National Guardsmen to the southern border, despite Deep State efforts to stop him.

Image result for border wallAll the illegal border-crossers really need to do is declare asylum because of “credible fear” for their safety or survival. Due to lax enforcement of immigration law under the Obama administration, these illegals have an 88% chance of receiving an asylum hearing. The DOJ even admits that they don’t have to actually be granted asylum, they just have to claim intent! Then they’re released into the country’s interior to await their “hearing.” So the Obama directive of “catch-and-release” still exists.

According to, “A recent White House press statement notes that almost 3,000 unaccompanied alien minors… were released into the nation’s interior in February [2018] alone… and 107,000 since fiscal year 2016.”

Kate Withicum, writing in the Los Angeles Times on April 4, stated, “Robberies, rapes and assaults – perpetrated by smugglers, cartel members and Mexican immigration agents – are common. In one incident in 2010, 72 kidnapped migrants were killed by a cartel in northern Mexico.”

Related imageOf all females arriving in the U.S. illegally through our southern border from Central America, it is estimated that 80% are raped en route by their handlers or Mexican immigration officials.

Don’t wait to see apologies to Trump, however, regarding his comments at the podium in Trump Tower as he announced his run for the presidency, but he was right. There really are murderers, thieves and rapists crossing our southern border.

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