What We Really Celebrate Today: An Uprising – by Jonathan Buck

Image result for 4th july revolutionToday, we celebrate the fact that ‘someone else’ was smart enough to recognize rampant corruption and oppression even at the most basic and moral levels… and we celebrate that ‘someone else’ who was brave enough to stand up for freedom and the well-being of those who could not stand up for themselves.

But we celebrate what ‘someone else’ did, while apathetically enjoying what ‘they’ accomplished… in a world that has become far more corrupt than it was then… in a world that has taken over nearly every mainstream news channel with opinion, and is deliberately dumbing us down to make us think that what our televisions tell us to believe is the actual truth… which is making us ever-dependent upon ‘someone else’s’ intelligence and bravery instead of our own.

Image result for tea party bostonEventually, those who are smart enough and brave enough will stand up against the tyranny of the global, socialistic, and communistic deep-state shadow-government agendas which even now desire to destroy this nation’s sovereignty from the inside out by influencing the masses with deceptions they so easily and willingly fall into, thinking they are doing the same as the founding fathers, all the while, supporting the evil which seeks to divide and conquer all of us… regardless of sex, race, religion, or political affiliation.

Everyone will suffer if they succeed. Not just the right. Not just the left. Everyone. The lemmings will continue to back the fall of this country which once stood together. They will continue to divide… in agreement with the global agenda.

Meanwhile, those who are smart enough and brave enough to not expect that ‘someone else’ will do it… are rising.

When the smoke clears… and those with the moral compass of Almighty God, and the passion to take down corruption are still standing… we will rejoice… that we (not someone else) have fought for and accomplished a future for our children and our children’s children to celebrate in the freedom that vigilantly opposes corruption, and again we will be united.

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” ~ Samuel Adams, 1776

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