Progressivism On Parade – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Only if we do it
“Russia massively intervened” in our election, said Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), even though there’s no proof. He wanted President Trump to cancel his meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin when they met in Helsinki, Finland.

If the meeting couldn’t be canceled, Warner suggested that someone else be in the room when Trump and Putin met privately. Perhaps Senator Warner thought a Democrat FBI or CIA plant would work, as it did inside the Trump presidential campaign. He could have called Clapper, Brennan, or Comey… to handle it.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) wasn’t that vocal. Maybe it’s because he welcomed Putin to New York City in 2003, serving him coffee, donuts, smiles and hugs.

Then there’s the Red Chinese spy who was a valued member of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) staff for 20 years…

The Solution
NFL pre-season has started and the “kneeling” controversy is back again.

The National Football League (NFL) refuses to stand up to the Kaepernick Kamp, but they believe they’ve found the solution to stem the bleeding in viewership and the drop in revenue; to restore the NFL’s image.

Their idea to blunt the effect of the anti-Trump, anti-anthem, anti-pledge kneelers is truly unique. Beginning with two “test teams,” upper NFL management has hired two males to perform with their female cheerleading squads!

Could this induce more women to watch, replacing male viewership leaving the NFL fan-base? Or will it raise the level of dissatisfaction even higher, since the diversion won’t displace the disrespect?

If the NFL thinks this move will bolster their loss of revenue and audience, they need to reconsider retention of their politically correct marketing staff. Adding male cheerleaders won’t repair the lack of respect for the flag, the anthem, or anything else of value. Progressive pandering won’t work.

The Last Straw
Many of us have observed the “plastic straw” hysteria. Major networks in broadcast and cable media boosted the hype with unfounded testimonials and empty studies.

Bans on plastic straws are now in place in Miami Beach, Seattle and Malibu. Other cities, such as New York City, Portland, and San Francisco, are ready to launch their own bans. Many private corporations are under pressure from the green Left to get on board with this clean planet cause. Starbucks, always the eco-trailblazer, proudly announced it would replace those dangerous straws with a new lid on their drink containers. Turns out it was made of plastic – more plastic than used in the straws.

Discarded plastic in the world’s oceans may be a problem, but banning the use of plastic straws in the U.S. will not achieve anything meaningful. Here are some facts provided by CFACT:

– The statement that Americans use 500 million straws per day was simply a guess made by a nine-year-old in her school project, unsupported by facts
– More than 80% of discarded ocean plastic comes from 10 rivers in Asia and Africa that flow into oceans
– Discarded fishing supplies constitute 46% of plastic waste in oceans
– Only 0.03% of plastic found in the ocean comes from straws, and…
– Less than 1.4% of ocean plastic comes from the U.S.

Since straws from the U.S. contribute an insignificant amount of ocean plastic waste, banning plastic straw use in America is also a waste, accomplishing little.

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