An AWOL GOP: The Elephant’s Not Even In the Room… – Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Consumer confidence on August 28 hit 133.4, a blow-out number, the highest in 17 years. The biggest news story this year is an economic boom that’s lifting the entire country. It isn’t being reported, however, since over 95% of “journalists” vote Democrat. Take small business start-ups among black Americans, which have increased 400% under President Trump. Don’t look for it in the Propaganda Press; it’s not there. You won’t see it, hear about it, or read it. It’s not good for “them” if you know.

But it’s not only the progressive media; Republicans aren’t keen about talking it up either. You hear the wonderful stats at a Trump rally, and the Republican candidates present happily chime in. When you see those same Republicans on a major network, they succumb to the manipulation of the progressive host or interviewer, instead of guiding the conversation away from the tripe of present-day “news” reporting to the actual good news of a revived, newly vibrant economy. GOP “guests” on major network shows are there as punching bags only; and many of them happily play along.

When candidate Barack Obama said, “fundamentally transform,” in 2008, the GOP smirked, “Yeah, sure.” They, along with Fox News Channel and most centrists, still dismiss the extensive Obama-created damage instead of understanding the corrupt Obama agenda as subversive and seditious. It wasn’t “tried and failed,” as if their policies were worthy of a try; those policies were dead wrong. Obama and his minions are guilty of sedition, nothing less, but these radicals are not being pursued in the name of justice. We now see the total corruption of the top echelons at the FBI and the DOJ, guilty of conspiracy. But many GOP committee members in Congress could care less.

There was intent; and there was an objective: ONE party rule in a socialist/fascist state. They were interrupted; Hillary Clinton lost the election and Donald Trump is methodically reversing Obama’s “legacy,” draining the Swamp.

However, if you look for Republican outrage at the theft of a country, you’ll find little outside the Freedom Caucus.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson interviewed a Republican congressman from Texas this summer, regarding the exposure in the DOJ OIG report. The congressman said that Obama had failed to fire Comey so it was good that Trump did. What? Obama had Comey in there for a reason, to do what he did: cover for Hillary and help frame Trump. Why wouldn’t a supposedly intelligent House member know this?

In Speaker Paul Ryan’s case, he has essentially endorsed the Obama Regime’s spying on the Trump campaign, transition team, and presidency. He sided with Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brennan, but against House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes. Silence from Ryan in the Russian Hoax is deafening, as it is concerning a second special counsel.

The GOP is unable to understand the opponent they face in the present-day Democrat Party, what that opponent is willing to do – what it is capable of – and what its agenda is; what its objectives really are. Republicans are also clueless as to the role of an active, radical media in pushing the propaganda of the hard Left. And the over-glorification of Senator John McCain’s fence-straddling Senate career, as an “aisle-crosser,” couldn’t have given a better illustration last week of how far removed the GOP leadership is from traditional America.

McCain’s “compromise” always favored Democrats; Trump’s election was an endorsement for Democrat defeat. In this battle, the GOP has been AWOL.

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