Desperation and Irrelevance: ‘Breaking Tradition’ – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Various “news” outlets kept commenting on “breaking tradition” in their reporting on former President Barack Obama’s return to the hustings to salvage the tatters of his transformative, rejected policies. He desperately yearns to be relevant and cannot stand being left out of current events or the action of election campaigns. Yes, it’s all about him and his disappearing legacy.

Obama shadowed President Trump shortly after Trump’s inauguration, following appearances by Trump at foreign policy venues. When Trump was in France, a few days later Obama showed up to counter what Trump had said. In England and Japan it was the same. After Trump’s Helsinki Summit, Obama was in the neighborhood, sowing doubt about Trump’s competency regarding U.S.-Russia relations.

But why would a hard-left progressive care about “tradition” in the first place? Progressives don’t believe in tradition, or the history that creates it; hence their dislike and revulsion for the American Founding. Values, principles, traditions, or heritage; none of these matter to them; they’re only concerned about what works to the satisfaction of their ideology and pursuit of their agenda. There are no “permanent things” or traditions; not even restraining yourself from demeaning your presidential successor, or his success.

Donald Trump has been busy shredding the Obama legacy. The anti-freedom, anti-Constitution, anti-American, anti-

Western Civilization agenda of Barack Obama is being reversed, and rapidly. Perhaps this is what shocks Obama the most; the speed of the reversal. Despite the “resistance” and slow-walking obstruction of his agenda by establishment Republicans, Donald Trump’s achievements are growing right along with his base.

The TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) trade deal is done for; North Korea is talking to Trump and allowing South Koreans to visit relatives in the North without being thrown into detention camps; the anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-Islamist “Iran Deal” has had its plug pulled; Obamacare’s individual mandate and some of its most offensive rules and regulations are gone; the wealth-transfer scheme known as the Paris Climate accord has been relegated to the hoax bin of history; and the anti-energy War on Coal has been terminated. Pipelines are being built; the EPA scaled back, DACA disassembled, border controls tightened and the Islamic State defeated.

Simply amazing, what pro-American, prosperity-oriented policies can achieve in such a short time when appeasement and apology is rejected for America First and an economy is unshackled.

So it’s not surprising that Barack Obama has inserted himself into the 2018 mid-term election campaigns to dump on Trump. He returned to the fertile ground of a progressive college campus last week to reignite fear and hatred (which had worked so well for him in the past eight years), speaking in Champaign, Illinois to a collection of impressionables. Get ‘em while they’re young and gullible; particularly students who aren’t cognizant of the promises Obama made on the campaign trail in 2008 and retracted so completely in the years that followed, since they weren’t there.

Obama has been working behind the curtain since the 2016 election, with Eric Holder, George Soros and others; his minions still firmly in place in the Deep State. But his desperation has now driven him out into the open to lie about previous lies.

As the economy grows healthier, so does Obama’s irrelevance. If only Republicans are willing to push back this time…

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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