Defining a Constitutional Crisis: It’s Here – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

A recent New York Times op-ed trashing the Trump White House was supposedly written by a “high-level senior staff member,” if the author even exists. He said he was a member of the “Resistance,” working inside the White House. He states obvious Trump behaviors that voters overlooked and makes the same complaints about Trump’s style that members of the establishment do. This appears to be another set-up hit piece and you can expect to see more of these before the mid-term elections, as the progressive establishment and their hold-over Obama lackeys become more and more desperate to remove a sitting president for no constitutional reason. As dreams of a Democrat “blue wave” to conquer the House of Representatives and launch impeachment proceedings against President Trump wane, the efforts to drive down his popularity and destroy him personally do not slow, they just vary.

Ex-Secretary of State John Kerry gave his two cents worth last week, while he was quietly working to sabotage Trump’s cancellation of the Iran Deal. He joined the rabid Propaganda Press and others suffering from acute TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and called the expose a “genuine constitutional crisis.” But the crisis is not what he portrays it to be: the Trump administration is not the “crisis.”

Mr. (“I served in Vietnam”) Kerry is actually a participant in the “crisis cabal,” bent on creating a constitutional crisis. Along with his fellow Obama-hires in intelligence, law enforcement, the IRS, and other federal agencies, Mr. Kerry is working his best subterfuge behind the scenes.

When an executive branch employee, an admitted member of a “sleeper cell” in the anonymous “Resistance,” subverts the president, he/she is actually subverting the American voters who elected that president.

Mr. Kerry, all the partisan attorneys on the Robert Mueller team, and the Obama holdovers in the FBI and DOJ constitute the threat to our Constitution. The actual constitutional crisis is the silent creation of an oligarchy that runs something termed the “Deep State.” They are bent on negating election results in order to unconstitutionally seize power. The New York Times op-ed is just another piece in the plan, a move to get Trump to do something, anything, that the Mueller Team can paint as “obstruction” and the press can portray as “unhinged.” The propaganda will appear, immediately following the action.

The present betrayal of constitutional order, the soft coup against President Trump, is a constitutional crisis. The creation of a special counsel (mentioned nowhere in the Constitution) to pursue an indictment of a sitting, legally-elected president for no crime committed, is a constitutional crisis.

Our criminal justice system, where impartial justice is guaranteed under the rule of law, has been abandoned, replaced by a two-tiered system where the elites have one set of rules and the “rest of the population” has another. The Constitution has been superseded by the rule of activist judges legislating from the bench.

A constitutional crisis is when the elite change the Preamble of the Constitution to read: “We the people who know better than the average citizen…”

Perhaps this warning from Daniel Webster drives it home: “It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions… There are men, in all ages… who mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters…

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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