Desperately Dishonest: Subverting the Process – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

As we have witnessed in past elections, Democrat desperation leads to voter suppression. Democrats introduced it in Indiana with an aggressive October launch.

Letter-size mailers arrived in the last two weeks, with “Anti-Tax Voter Guide” stamped in red ink on the covers. The titles stated, “Compare Candidates on Lower Taxes and Less Government, Indiana 2018.” Had Democrat incumbent Sen. Joe Donnelly flipped completely from his record, now challenging his opponent, businessman Mike Braun, on taxes and smaller government? Hardly.

On the inside of the single-fold brochure were comparisons of two candidates for the U.S. Senate race in Indiana, but not the top two contenders in the race. Lucy Brenton, the Libertarian Party candidate, the “Anti-Tax Advocate” it said, was presented in glowing terms on one page. The opposite page featured Mike Braun, the Republican Party candidate, surrounded by negative comments based on fabrication.

This brochure wasn’t produced and mailed by the Libertarian Party, as one would expect by the content. It was paid for by the Indiana Democratic Congressional Victory Committee... Yes, the Democrat Party is that desperate. They promote the Libertarian candidate to pull votes from conservative Republican Mike Braun.

Apparently the Democrat candidate, incumbent Joe Donnelly, cannot get these votes on his own. And Sen. Donnelly certainly couldn’t appear in a brochure about “lower taxes and less government” since he doesn’t support either one. But this, after all, is an election about Joe’s career, and in these midterm elections as in others, Democrat incumbents are running in opposition to their actual voting records. They cry, “Moderate!” at election time, attempting to deny records supporting the progressive agendas of Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi.

Stealth video journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has exposed Sen. Claire McCaskill, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Mayor Andrew Gillum and Robert Francis (Beto) O’Rourke, by talking to their staffers under cover, revealing their campaigns’ duplicity on a grand scale. But no surprise: Democrats are lying to get elected.

When asked if they are really running against President Trump, Democrat candidates and their political analysts respond, “No,” they are running “to lower health care costs.” But they are running against Trump and his policies (the reversal of Obama’s). Due to eight years of Obama (and Obamacare), health care costs have skyrocketed. So now Democrats feel sorry and regret what they did before? No, they’re lying. Their claims are patently absurd.

The Khashoggi narrative was another example of their desperation; more fake news from the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party – a ploy to sow doubt about Trump in the public mind. Middle Eastern cultures have a long history of handling their enemies in this way; killing journalists is nothing new. Life is cheap in the Middle East. Our Propaganda Press used Jamal Khashoggi’s death as a cudgel against Trump, to separate him from his base.

Russian collusion is gone; obstruction of the DOJ has been abandoned; attacks on the Second Amendment by radical high school students failed. Porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawsuit was turned against her by the court. Omarosa’s book is a flop, as is Bob Woodward’s expose. Assaults against Justice Kavanaugh backfired. As with these other failed schemes, so will go the insinuations regarding Khashoggi’s death.

The Democrats’ new political game to disparage Trump is the illegal alien “caravan,” which Trump will use to his advantage. Last week a Washington Post-ABC poll was released showing 67% of those polled said immigration is the most important issue in the midterm elections.

If Trump succeeds in saving our sovereignty, Democrats will accuse him of the “suppression of future Democrat voters.”

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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