Faith: Let Your Light Shine… Especially in Politics – by Steve Ary

Steve Ary

I’ve written something of this nature in the past, but with the general elections coming up in November, I believe it bears repeating.

In the Constitution, there is no such thing as a “separation of church and state”. In fact, the only mention of such a separation was in a hand-written letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, encouraging them that the state has no authority to guide the affairs of the church nor to control its influence. He closed the letter emphatically asking for their prayers.

In the church, there is no such thing as a “separation of religion and politics”. In fact, the only mention of such a thing is not in scripture at all, but in the 1954 Johnson Amendment, in which the U.S. government made a 501C3 “deal” with the churches; that they would not have to pay taxes if they would forfeit their congregational influence (originally and specifically) on presidential elections from the pulpit which was the original purpose of the “deal” since pastors have such an influence on audiences throughout the nation. The church then muddied the waters on the agreement, and now assumes that it cannot influence anyone regarding any candidate, in or out of the pulpit, regarding any elected official, or even discuss any political matters at all in church.

Why would the devil do that? Strategy.

The devil’s plan successfully silenced the influence of the most moral entity on the planet… allowing for the least moral people to take over arenas which would affect the influence and direction of a nation and the justice or injustice of every walk of life… and the church still believes the lie, giving their seats to people who do not represent proper authority or the Kingdom of God on the Earth.

In the Kingdom of God, there is no “separation of religion and politics”. In fact, the only mention of it is from the church who has given more authority to the Johnson Amendment and the worldly movements which seek to subdue Christianity than it has to the Word of God. While it is true that man-made religion and worldly politics are flesh-based and inadequate, God’s governance is adequate, and is with and through mankind.

A Kingdom is a government.

The Kingdom of God is within you. (ref. Luke 17:21)

Of the increase of God’s government, there shall be no end. (ref. Isaiah 9:7)

We are to be the light of the world in every part of the world. Don’t let anyone tell you that your light is supposed to shine in every place… except in government. That, quite simply, is the opposite of scripture.

With that said, we must consider the greatest areas of influence for which we, as believers, are responsible.

Voting: The most basic responsibility as a Christian in the governmental arena is voting. If you claim to be a Christian, but sacrifice your right to vote thereby sacrificing your Christian influence in elections, you don’t have the slightest understanding of how to be the Light of the world. To be the Light of the world, you must use every opportunity to make the world a better place, a godly place, and a just place. If we forfeit our voting power, we believe that the power of the gospel is null and void in politics, and we literally gift spiritual ground to the spiritual kingdom of darkness. If our passion is really to please the Lord, we would do everything in our power to advance His Kingdom of Light… and that includes influencing the natural realm and ultimately the spiritual realm with our vote.

Grassroots: The grassroots movements of Christians have influenced politicians, stopped harmful and unjust policies/laws from being implemented, and have secured our God-given and constitutionally protected rights that have been under attack.

Likewise, the grassroots movements of those who would seek to subdue the Kingdom of Light with immorality and unjust policies have also been successful.

Therein lies one of the most prominent issues of our day. Those who seek immoral policies which would advance the kingdom of darkness know that grassroots movements are effective, while those who would seek moral policies which would advance the Kingdom of Light are largely oblivious to grassroots effectiveness, causing us to sit back and passively and apathetically say, “Well, the Bible said this would happen,” and thus, making us accomplice to the advancement of the darkness while we feign the role of the town crier without lifting a spiritual weapon to stop it.

Taking Action: Make phone calls, send emails, send letters and postcards. Talk to your representatives. Let them know where you stand, and why.

THIS is where the rubber meets the road. This is the strategy that works. And those who seek to subdue your voice, your morals, your standards, and your rights know it! They do it every single day. And they rely on the apathy of the church to be oblivious to such a reliable strategy.

They rely on the rampant deception of the “separation of church and state” to keep the church out of the state. All the while, they have no intention of keeping their beliefs out of the state, out of politics, or out of your home. They are influencing politicians to legislate godly morality in the very state we separate ourselves from. This is why the church is losing. This is why the fruit of the nation is and has been progressively… Anti-Christ. Because we got comfortable. Because writing a letter or making a phone call takes too much of our time. Because taking action to make a difference would rip us from the lens of our “Cruise-ship Christianity.”

Run for Office: Christians who are resisting the enemy are stepping up and running for office. And it’s about time. For it is through politics and legislation that the advancement of one or the other of the two kingdoms is largely decided… because every single person under the authority of the laws of the land are affected and influenced by politics, and the current legislation is influencing this and the next generation to criminalize Christianity. Sure, we can sit back and pray that God would do something to stop it, but ultimately, He already did. He made you.

Rise up: The Apostles were not apathetic. They took action. They made a difference. We still experience that difference thousands of years later to this very day, but it’s dwindling… because we have been apathetic to the advancements of the kingdom of darkness. We can sit idly by no longer. We must take action. And we must do so now, for our spiritual enemy advances his kingdom of darkness in a spiritual and political war with us while we are on a cruise.

It’s time to let your Light shine… especially in politics.

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