An Endless Din: Blood is on YOUR Hands – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The Propaganda Press desperately needs to shame you, to castigate you and even ruin you. You are evil and the enemy; hated for your extremism because you voted for Donald Trump. You voted in your own self interest and that of your country. You were concerned for the future of your children and grandchildren, so you voted to secure their future prosperity and chance to succeed, to live in liberty. Those actions, your intentions, simply cannot be allowed.

So the press drowns out any chance for outside influences that may inject the truth into your waiting brain. They bury you in incessant dribble – a cacophonous din. The evil intent of the droning dreck is perfectly illustrated in the diatribes unleashed by leftist talking heads after the recent killings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio; the most heinous coming from MSNBC.

Host Joe Scarborough tweeted on August 5, the day after the weekend massacres: “For those of you funding Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, you may want to take note: Because you keep writing checks to this president, it’s on you… because you are funding this white supremacist campaign… It is your money that is funding this white supremacy.”

Mika Brzezinski (Scarborough) of MSNBC spewed her bile on Morning Joe on August 6: “He [Trump] is inciting hatred, inciting violence, inciting racism. If he doesn’t unequivocally call it off and say this is wrong and we stand together… this is a president who seems to want these things to happen.” The line below her image read, “THE THREAT OF WHITE NATIONALISM AND MASS MURDER.” Donny Deutsch, MSNBC contributor, chimed in, speaking directly to Trump supporters (not that any Trump supporters waste their time with MSNBC): “You own it. You own the blood that happens…”

Then any deaths from deranged individuals (who tend to be radical leftists), using any weapon at their disposal, is your fault, because you put a madman in the White House. What idiocy; yet most Republicans are trained to give it a pass.

Meanwhile, comments by the press on Trump’s major economic victories since he assumed the presidency, or on promises kept to bring back manufacturing jobs made during his campaign for office, have been nearly nonexistent. His every achievement is ignored or dismissed; nothing he does is “correct,” and no effort is worthy of a compliment. It’s quite the opposite. Everything he accomplishes is despised, no matter the benefit for our country or its population. Only the mayhem and chaos created by others is covered – and blamed on him.

Over and over, the mantra goes out from the progressive media using time-honored Democrat templates and scripts; chanting, repeating, droning, and drumming. The “din” steadily rains down on the brows of the American public.

The Propaganda Press is fully complicit in the biggest hoax, the largest scandal, ever perpetrated upon the American people: a silent coup to unseat a legitimately elected president of the United States. Leftist media worked hand-in-hand with Democrats, of one mind, to attempt the decimation of our electoral system, using the agencies they worked so hard to politicize and weaponize. They nearly succeeded in a coup.

When all that Americans hear is the noise of the same repeated phrases spread out from every media outlet imaginable, every day, receivers of that demented propaganda become numb to its content. If lies are repeated often enough they are taken as fact. Untruths become truth by simple, nauseating repetition. It almost worked.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at


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