Only One Year Later – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The attempted demolition of an honorable man simply seeking higher office in service to his nation failed one year ago, but not without considerable damage to the man’s reputation and his family’s peace. A year later, the Propaganda Press still seeks his destruction.

New York Times editors pulled a piece recently that featured another woman who had accused Justice Kavanaugh of indecent acts when he was young. It was “discovered” that the woman doesn’t remember the supposed incident, but “others” say they do.

Plotting the destruction of Justice Kavanaugh continues, as do the attacks against Trump, of which this new assault on Kavanaugh is part. The Deep State pushes forward, relentlessly progressing toward their impeachment fantasy.

The Times “corrected” its story, but the innuendo is already out there, reinforcing the damage done to Kavanaugh one year ago during his confirmation hearing. His reputation is ruined – “mission accomplished” at the Times. Nothing he can say or do will change the perception that now clings to every judicial decision he will ever make in his time on the United States Supreme Court. And, since Kavanaugh was appointed to the bench by President Trump… impeachment, impeachment, impeachment… including the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh.

Intimidate, frighten, and seed doubt. This formula will continue as long as President Donald Trump resides in the White House. The sad part is that anyone Trump nominates to the federal judiciary, at any level, will have second thoughts about the gauntlet of personal attacks and character assassination he/she will have to endure to achieve confirmation. There’s also the slander and abuse their family will suffer. The sacrifice for the nominee and his/her family will be so substantial, some candidates will decline. This is the objective – control the courts at any cost.

Democrats perform this torture procedure to dissuade anyone who even thinks about serving Trump. And after three years of libel and lies, the demonic abuse continues, unabated. But Trump still stands, defiant, and so does Kavanaugh.

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