Where Are the Republicans? Hypocrites Get a Pass – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The Propaganda Press and their Democrat comrades are trying to deflect the Joe Biden and Son Ukraine scandal away from the Bidens, redirecting it squarely at President Trump. Another Trump “Scandal!” or “Cover-up!” Then the hysteria sets in again for the hypocrites: “We have him this time!”

Head hypocrite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated, “It’s wrong for foreign leaders to get involved in our elections.” Yet she gave a pass to the Obama White House, the one that told their cyber experts investigating Russian hacking of our 2016 elections to, as Susan Rice dutifully instructed them, “Stand down.”

Pelosi conveniently ignored the actions of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and others who have asked foreign leaders to involve themselves in our elections. She brushed off the corrupt actions of those people when their shady deals were discovered. No “impeachable” offenses were ever mentioned. Pelosi also failed to acknowledge Sen. Ted Kennedy’s request for Soviet KGB help in 1984 to subvert Ronald Reagan’s reelection.

She also failed to address Democrat senators, who were involved with Ukraine, all demanding dirt on candidate Trump in 2016, after his inauguration in 2017, and as recently as May, 2018. Those Democrat senators were Dick Durbin (IL), Patrick Leahy (VT), and Robert Menendez (NJ). But that’s Senator Chuck Schumer’s job, since he’s Senate Minority Leader.

A letter from Leahy, Durbin and Menendez on May 4, 2018, addressed to the prosecutor general of Ukraine, firmly suggested that he share information and communicate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the investigation of President Trump. The composition of the letter heavily implied that, if the prosecutor didn’t cooperate, “there may be a price to pay.”

None of these senators have been exposed for their actions, no penalties have been assigned, and no investigations into their behavior, digging dirt on a political opponent and, later, seditious actions toward the President of the United States.

Where are the Republicans standing up in the House against Pelosi’s duplicity? Why aren’t any GOP senators demanding an investigation by the Senate intelligence and judicial committees? Or are Democrats immune to investigation, as Hillary Clinton is? No; Republicans see a battle brewing and they run away. No conflict allowed.

Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, kicked out of the U.S. Naval Reserves for cocaine use, was the lucky recipient of over $3 billion to his private investment firm and over $250,000 to his law firm, all due to the magnanimous efforts of his father.

Hunter received $83,000 per month from his position at Burisma, a Ukrainian energy conglomerate. Despite having no experience in natural gas production, transportation or marketing, and no background in the energy industry, or any history of interest in Ukraine, he was given the position, courtesy of his father, Joe.

Republicans held the majority in the Senate when these “deals” happened. Did they strenuously object? No. Did they impeach Biden? Certainly not; that would cause negative press and Democrats wouldn’t invite them to parties.

Democrats have no truth, no principles to defend. They make things up as they go along; whatever is necessary to achieve their ideological agenda. The ends justify the means. Politics is easier; denial is easier; and lying and hypocrisy, much easier.

And with no Republican leadership in either chamber pushing back, except the presidential target, it gets really easy.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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