‘If At First You Don’t Succeed…’: A Big Yawn – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

After the House Intelligence Committee hearing November 13, the evening news media trumpeted “Bombshell!” on every network. The next day, however, there was no bombshell celebration… just bombed.

A day after the fascistic “Schiff Show” in the House examined two witnesses who had differences of opinion concerning the meaning of the Trump/Zelensky “Ukraine Call,” reports about the highly promoted event were indeed scarce.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer attempted to highlight Kellyanne Conway’s “spat” with her husband George, hoping to dig up dirt. Other cable sources chose to cover the announcement of former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick’s filing for the Democrat presidential race in 2020. All we heard from the Propaganda Press concerning the “hearing” the prior day were snores of boredom (amid sobs of disappointment).

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff’s first day of public testimony in the “impeachment inquiry” of President Trump was a bust. When asked on the streets of America by breathlessly anticipatory reporters what they thought, most citizens didn’t care. A big yawn was heard across the American landscape. When Trump released the transcript of the call weeks ago, he blew away any whistleblower plot that could have been concocted by Pelosi or Schiff. People outside the Swamp know the impeachment attempt is a nothing burger – no crime, no evidence, nothing.

Russian collusion failed and obstruction charges failed; the whole Mueller probe was an exercise in hoax mismanagement. Then Democrats accused the president of a quid pro quo arrangement, but that didn’t work. Charges of extortion have now been raised, quickly followed by “Bribery!” Determined to prove Trump did something, progressives just can’t find anything… yet.

Three years of scheming and scamming by Democrats – all the hype, hypocrisy, and hope for successful fraud – and it all blew up on November 13. Or did it?

Suddenly the “whistleblower” gig was scrapped and Schiff’s fall-back became the old Democrat standby: identity politics. He chose “gender discrimination,” redefining the term. It now means: “Any negative comment toward a woman serving the interests of the Democrat Party.” That includes former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine under Barack Obama, Marie Yovanovitch, who was removed from her position back in May. She was Schiff’s Plan B in the charade, testifying on November 15 that President Trump made her cry.

Then Trump tweeted about her during her testimony, so a new impeachable charge emerged: “intimidation of a witness” (even though she never saw the tweet). A Washington Post headline read, “For Trump, Yovanovitch’s testimony brings moment of reckoning on gender.” Her release had nothing to do with gender, but Democrats are desperate and saw an opportunity for the next impeachment scam. One hard fact remains, however; no one has evidence that Trump broke any law.

It’s embarrassing for our nation that these elected officials are entrusted with our nation’s future and security. Also sad is that our diplomats in the Foreign Service think their opinions override the president.

Democrats’ attempt to impeach Trump heads for self-destruction, while Trump remains busy successfully running the country – exactly what he was elected to do. Meanwhile, spoiled children in the progressive party pout, stamping their feet in disappointment and whimpering “Unfair!”

Trump committed no “high crimes or misdemeanors” as described by the Framers of our Constitution and no rule exists which says “impeachable offenses” are whatever Congress decides.

As Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, described it recently, “A bunch of bureaucrats standing around the water cooler and complaining about their boss is no reason for impeachment.”

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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