Faith: This Changes Everything – by Steve Ary

In the beginning, God created this dark place… and then He changed it by sending forth the light.

The fallen angels came down and had sex with the women, bearing giants called Nephilim. The Nephilim taught man witchcraft and rebellion against God to expand the darkness, and it worked.

Man made a mess of things until it got so bad that God changed it by sending forth the rain.

The floodwaters came and wiped out most of everything so that the Earth could have a “do over,” but that didn’t last because in no time, Noah got drunk and Ham “looked upon his father’s nakedness” apparently in a way that was displeasing to God.

As the Earth was being restored and all the darkness of the Nephilim was seemingly wiped out in the flood, the Earth began to replenish.

God saw that there was not a people who were set apart unto Him, so He changed that by choosing Abram to be the father of many nations.

Abram was old and was unable to bear children, but God changed that with a promise, and changed Abram’s name to Abraham while He was at it.

God told Abraham that he and his wife would conceive that promised son, but Abraham got impatient and changed what God intended, bearing Ishmael… not Isaac.

Abraham lived with regret and repented before God and God gave him the son that was promised.

Isaac begat Esau who was the first child, the child of blessing, but Esau didn’t value the blessing so even though the firstborn was supposed to receive the blessing, God changed that so that the one who valued the blessing would receive it.

Jacob was born into sin, a deceiver, a heal-grabber, but God changed that. He wrestled with Jacob and made him to earn the blessing, and God changed his heart and changed his name to Israel.

Israel had 12 sons who were also deceivers, who sold Joseph into slavery to the Egyptians. It was a horrible family secret that haunted them daily, until God promoted Joseph and God changed the hearts of Joseph’s brothers.

The sons became tribes, and twelve became millions until the Egyptians made them all into slaves, but God changed that by causing Pharaoh to let them go.

Their hearts were stuck in slavery even in liberty, but by providing His presence to go before them, God changed that.

There were giants in the land of Canaan and they were well on their way to bringing back the darkness the way it once was, but God sent Joshua into Canaan and changed that.

King Saul wanted to rule over the people, but he didn’t have the heart to be king, so God changed that, and anointed David.

The people of Israel fell into sin and captivity over and over, but God changed that by sending Elijah, Jehu, Cyrus, and Nehemiah.

The world went dark again and God’s people wanted to live by a list of rules and self-righteousness instead of a relationship with Him, so He changed that by sending Jesus, the Light of the world.

Upon Christ’s ascension, God saw that there was no one to transform the nations’ culture by expanding the Kingdom culture, so He changed that by sending forth the apostles.

God called His people to expand the Kingdom throughout the Earth until the whole world is full of His glory. But the kingdom of darkness learned about kingdom expansion too, and has been changing the culture of the world and the church with greater efficiency.

Murder, abortion, debauchery, deception, indoctrination, molestation, division, hatred, and malice continue to advance now more than ever.

Meanwhile, God’s people seldom examine the efficacy of our spiritual fruit, live by traditions and rules and subtle self-righteousness. We keep doing the same things over and over again, expecting different results, and they never come. It just keeps getting worse.

The culture of God’s Kingdom on Earth was designed to increase without end, to bring goodness, and kindness, and justice to everyone… but the devil changed that… so that now we keep our message hidden so as not to offend. We think with worldly thoughts instead of aligning ourselves with God’s purposes. We keep our beliefs under steeples, we keep our religion out of politics, and we keep our leaps of faith within our own reach so that we don’t have to rely on God to stick the landing.

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel,” but the devil changed that… and the church obliged.

The devil said, “You can’t go here and you can’t go there, for if you do and if you knew, I would lose everything I have worked toward,” …and the church obliged.

The construct of our church culture has been diminished by deception so that we have become only effective enough to make us think we are bringing the transformation God so desires… all the while our spiritual enemy brings the transformation he desires. As long as we think we are doing good, we will keep doing only the things the devil permits.

And those things, we continue… in repetition… because that’s the way it’s been for a long, long time.

These things are certain in scripture; that God made things to be good, the devil changes things to be bad, God changes things to be redeemed, and God often uses His people to bring forth that change… if we can awaken from the lull of ineffective repetition.

If we don’t change anything, we likely won’t change anything.

There’s a whole world of darkness out there that needs what God has placed in us. Let’s go do something about it. Let’s go change it!

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