Trans Terror: Republicans Enabling the ‘Agenda’ – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

South Dakota’s legislature recently defeated a bill that would have forbidden drastic sexual surgeries and applications of hormone therapy to children under 16. Kids suffering from “gender dysphoria,” confused about what they are, will continue to be the victims of social engineering experiments (lab rats) to satisfy the transgender identity revolution. More depression and suicides will result from the use of puberty blockers designed to delay biological maturity in physically healthy children.

In cases of children who experience sexual identity problems, over 80% successfully identify with their biological sex as time advances. But when “trans activists” want a child to behave as an adult, no “normal development” process is allowed.

In 2009, the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in the United Kingdom received 77 referrals for children suffering from gender dysphoria. Ten years later, they received nearly 2,600 – over a 3,000% increase! They found girls participating in a fad that can produce irreversible damage at its conclusion because of peer pressure to attempt a change in their sex.

This quote appeared in The Times of London on February 2: “35 [GIDS clinicians] have resigned in the past three years, many alarmed by the rush to medicalisation and the way… Instagram trans influences and the CBBC programme ‘I Am Leo’ presents transition as uncomplicated. They say they are seeing girls with a panoply of other issues – anxiety, depression, self-harm, undiagnosed autism, victims of homophobic bullying and sexual abuse – for whom transition to a male body was presented online as the universal panacea.

“Often a normal, tom-boyish disgust at their new [bodies], eliciting sudden and unwanted… attention from men, is interpreted as a certainty that they are in the ‘wrong body.’ Yet instead of interrogating these underlying issues, clinicians are told to ‘affirm’ a young person’s ‘trans identity’ and prescribe the puberty blockers that trans campaigners fiercely insist are their right.” This is not a medical procedure to honor or promote – it can create anguish and pain.

Lawmakers in South Dakota could have said, “No,” and avoided the suffering of hundreds of children from this insanity. But legislators backed away after intense lobbying by the Chamber of Commerce, claiming the bill “endangered the state’s economic development.” Shamefully, Republican majorities on both sides of South Dakota’s legislature agreed with the progressive business organization (after all, there were campaign donations at stake).

This destructive act, endangering the mental health of children in South Dakota, was all Republican. In that state, Democrats have no power in the legislature except, in this case, to applaud the tragically misguided, duped Republicans. The bill to protect innocent children from medical experimentation should have been a slam-dunk in children’s favor. But Republicans will do anything to protect their access to cheap labor business donors. When they could have protected children, Republicans abandoned all sense of morality and reason.

It’s happened in numerous states when the twin political ogres of “sexual identity” and “gender equality” appear; Republicans’ legs tremble and courage flees the scene. It has happened several times in Indiana. Now minor children suffer in many states, under education establishments and legislatures that cooperate in the despicable indoctrination of immature, unsuspecting minds.

Republicans must start engaging in conversation about the trans terror that exploits our children’s gullibility and lives.

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