Systemic Ignorance – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Author and commentator Mark Steyn has labeled the current generation the “hyperpresent tense generation.” He sees this generation as completely self-centered; possessing no reference points for history, since it has never been taught. Therefore, it doesn’t care about the past; only the present.

Today’s indifference to history among many of our young gives one pause to worry about this nation’s future. When a nation loses its memory, it loses its identity. Even a cursory study of history imparts knowledge; what important values and principles we need to hold fast to survive as a free nation. We must learn the “permanent things” – the basic things we stand for at all costs.

We cannot expect today’s youth to be responsible stewards of liberty if they have no knowledge of our Founding Principles. These form our country’s foundation, our bedrock. But how can we expect the structure to stand if the foundation is neglected and its purpose not even understood? How can we expect our children to strive for greatness if they have never been taught to respect our Founding Fathers as role models?

Today, our children are taught that these men are dead white males, some slave owners, so why should they be revered? It is impossible to impart an appreciation for the freedom we enjoy in America if the sacrifices made by our forebears are not taught. Unless Americans develop an appreciation for the events of our Founding and the cost to our ancestors to achieve independence and secure liberty, the values and principles they fought to preserve may soon vanish from our national character, our American identity.

Judging by the events launched lately by those who despise our Founding and values, however, and ongoing efforts to conduct the coup of a sitting president, damage to our national character has already advanced.

Without a history we don’t have a country. Militants are destroying Civil War monuments and statues of explorers and presidents, as leftist academics cheer their vandalism. We can worry about a systemic racism scam, or we should be very concerned about the real problem: systemic ignorance.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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