Reassert the Rule of Law – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

More than just a few Newswire subscribers have posed the same question, or something similar: “They are stealing America while we just watch. What can we do?” The frustration among conservative, patriotic Americans keeps getting louder – and more desperate for a solution.

Some have suggested that the grassroots Tea Party movement needs to handle this, to do something. But the Tea Party movement never wanted to deal with the dreaded “social issues,” which were also perpetually ignored by the Republican Party. Year after year, issue after issue, came the response from the GOP: “Nope, can’t touch that; we don’t get involved in social issues – too toxic, too controversial.” The Tea Party answer was virtually the same. Their concentration was largely political, not cultural (social issues). But culture drives politics, not the other way ’round.

Most of what the Tea Party movement dealt with was the finished product, not the progressive plot that created it. The real danger was the takeover of the culture and progressives succeeded.

Unfortunately, the best opposition to those who plan the “transformation” is the supposed “opposition party” – Republicans. Since the late 1960s, however, the GOP has seldom “opposed.” Under Reagan, there was a little; then nothing until Trump. The GOP thinks “push back” means the same as “compromise” – anything for bipartisanship.

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When Republican leadership awakes to this threat and stops leaving Trump standing alone to fight solo, the assaults may lessen, but for how long? Today, it’s historically significant monuments. The targets will be churches tomorrow. Anything is game for anarchists and Marxists, until they are physically stopped – defeated.

A better question from those who asked would have been, “After watching them gradually steal America, piece by piece, for over fifty years, what can we do NOW?

Apathy is our embarrassing history, and severe damage has been done to our institutions and our children from inaction. Nothing will change now, short term, until we reassert the rule of law, and quickly.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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