All New VIP Series: “What If…?” – Episode 3

Intro: Since the question of, “What If…?” has a tendency to stir up our grey matter to consider what might be, the VIP has come up with a series called “What If…?“. In this series, VIP readers are encouraged to read the questions below and to send in “What If…?” questions to the email provided. This series is designed and intended to bring thought-provoking questions to our readers, and to open up discussion in the community.

If, by reading the questions below, you have “What If…?” questions that you would like to ask and have published, you may send them to or comment in the comment section below. Note that comments with “What If…?” questions will not be immediately approved on the comment feed but will be considered for future publications on the VIP website as well as the printed edition of the VIP newspaper.

Thank you all for reading, and we look forward to your response! Here… we… go!!

What if… you click on these links to see what questions were asked in Episode 1 and Episode 2 of the all new VIP “What If…?” series?

What if…
globalism is public enemy #1 to the United States? What if… globalists are puppeteering the world stage through mainstream media, anti-American agendas, and community groupthink? What if… we are currently being divided so that we can subsequently be conquered? What if… you are constantly being convinced to agree with agendas which would ultimately harm you and take away your constitutionally protected rights as a U.S. citizen? What if… you had the discernment to recognize every attempt to influence your thoughts? What if… you were able to discern the percentage of your thoughts which are your own… versus the percentage of your thoughts which have been given to you by outside influences?

What if… all mainstream media is ran by six corporations who are owned by billionaire friends and colleagues of George Soros? What if… all local media outlets are under contract to regurgitate the narrative of those six billionaire corporations? What if… those billionaires decided to divide and conquer the people by feeding false or highly influential biased news through the media? What if… most Americans believe every word they are told to believe by the mainstream media? What if… the world really is a stage, and the news media is simply narrating the “act”?

What if… most Americans wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between truth and fiction? What if… you can control the whole world if you can control what the people believe? What if… the top Democrats are not Democrats at all, but globalists in disguise? What if… the establishment Republicans and RINOs don’t really represent the people, but rather, a globalist agenda? What if… traitors of the U.S. have joined a globalist Deep State/Shadow Government within our governing bodies, and are helping America’s enemies destroy her from within? What if… groups within both parties are pandering to the requests of America’s enemies? What if… what we are witnessing from the Deep State is reminiscent of the fall of Rome?

What if… the recent protests were actually planned months ago, and the riots were organized in advance? What if… the objectives of Antifa and the Black Lives Matter organization were the exact same objectives as the domestic terrorist group, Weather Underground? What if… one of their objectives is literally to, “Dethrone God”? What if… the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has accepted donations for the purpose of helping black lives, but instead, has sifted millions to a 501(c)(3) non-profit group called Thousand Currents (formerly IDEX, International Development Exchange) which does not disclose how BLM funds are being used? What if… Thousand Currents proudly represents initiatives that support globalism? What if… BLM isn’t about black lives at all, but is really about rich white globalists?

What if… the phrase, “Conspiracy Theory”, has been a popular phrase used by actual conspirators to ridicule and discredit anyone who questions the “official stories” distributed by the billionaire-owned agenda-driven mainstream media? What if… we are being trained as sheep (to the slaughter) to ridicule anyone who asks questions or doubts the “official stories”? What if… by not questioning why there is even something called an “official story”, we are falling for a great deception and don’t know it? What if… the most intelligent people are the ones who ask questions, need more evidence, or disbelieve the “official story”?

What if… onlookers of the Sandy Hook incident exposed numerous discrepancies in the “official story” in December of 2012? What if… the independent reporting of such discrepancies destroyed the media narrative, and exposed an actual conspiracy? What if… Barack Obama set out to shut down any independent reporting and/or private media outlets who exposed facts which did not agree with the “official narrative”? What if… since then many politically-biased fact-checking sites have been on the rise?

What if…
Facebook’s “Independent Fact-Checkers” are a product of the globalist agenda, and are not independent at all, but work for the same mainstream media outlets referenced above? What if… we are being lied to by our trusted news sources from the very top to the very bottom, even very subtly in local news? What if… the truth is being deliberately suppressed by mainstream media, Deep State, and the globalists allied with the UN?

What if… under the Obama administration, the U.S. government was infiltrated by appointed czars and globalists with the intent to take down America? What if… the Covid pandemic was a plan for governments to circumvent the Constitution by consent of the governed? What if… the globalists’ goal is to devalue the Constitution so that the UN can take over and dismantle the sovereignty of the U.S.?

What if… it is constitutionally unlawful for a state or federal government to enforce stay-at-home orders unless there is a declared pandemic? What if… the declaration of a pandemic permits the state and federal governments to circumvent your rights protected by the Constitution? What if… circumventing the Constitution is all the globalists need for us to willingly give up the sovereignty of the U.S.? What if… a declared pandemic is all the globalists need for all of our rights to be taken away from us?

What if… the globalists need Americans to give up our gun rights in order to complete the takeover of the nation? What if… the Aurora, Colorado “Batman Theater Shooting” on July 20th, 2012 took place on the very day the U.S. was about to vote against the Small Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) with the UN? What if… solely because of the shooting, the vote was postponed? What if… two months later, in September of 2012, the U.S. quietly voted in favor of the ATT, and the enforcement of the agreement was signed by John Kerry (under the advisement of Obama) on December 24th of 2014? What if… that agreement signed over the sovereignty of U.S. small arms regulation to the UN?

What if… the globalists want anarchy in our streets so that they can fully take away all of our rights and many are willing to comply? What if… the rioters are being paid by George Soros to bring such anarchy? What if… civil unrest and martial law will help the globalists to accomplish their goal? What if… we are so deceived by the media that we are absently agreeing with the globalists’ plan to take away our very rights? What if… our rights are already gone and we don’t even know it?

What if… what we are seeing today has been planned for decades? What if… the equipment and weaponry which will be used in the hostile takeover of America in the case of martial law were all deployed by the UN throughout the country during the Jade Helm 15 exercise in 2015? What if… everyone laughed at those who exposed Jade Helm and called them conspiracy theorists? What if… after all the laughter, all of the equipment and weaponry which was deployed in the two-month Jade Helm exercise was never returned from whence it came? What if… that means the equipment and weaponry is still deployed in lieu of a UN takeover via martial law? What if… we are witnessing the destruction of the last great superpower right before our eyes and we don’t even know it? What if… the globalist plan is to bring martial law right after the November elections? What if… a nation can be destroyed in a day? What if… we all had the discernment to see what’s coming before it happens?

What if… you researched what you believe are the most absurd questions above to find out what is true? What if… these questions stirred something within you to email us questions of your own? What if… your questions provoked curiosity in our community and helped others to ask questions of their own? What if… you emailed your questions to us at today?

Check out the next “What if…?” episode here.

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