All New VIP Series: “What If…?” – Episode 4

Intro: Since the question of, “What If…?” has a tendency to stir up our grey matter to consider what might be, the VIP has come up with a series called “What If…?“. In this series, VIP readers are encouraged to read the questions below and to send in “What If…?” questions to the email provided. This series is designed and intended to bring thought-provoking questions to our readers, and to open up discussion in the community.

If, by reading the questions below, you have “What If…?” questions that you would like to ask and have published, you may send them to or comment in the comment section below. Note that comments with “What If…?” questions will not be immediately approved on the comment feed but will be considered for future publications on the VIP website as well as the printed edition of the VIP newspaper.

Thank you all for reading, and we look forward to your response! Here… we… go!!

What if… while Obama was in office, he signed numerous Executive Orders regarding martial law because he just KNEW Hillary was going to win, and they intended then on implementing martial law while she would have been in office? What if… by implementing martial law and thus circumventing our Constitution, Obama, Hillary, and the Deep State would have opportunity to complete their plan to fully sell-out America and submit the U.S. under the global leadership of the United Nations? What if… that is the reason he did not bother appointing judges, the MOST IMPORTANT thing any president should do? What if… judges are not necessary under martial law because the courts are predominantly closed? What if... under Democrat-globalist leadership in the U.S. we will see the fall of this nation? What if… this is the most important election in the history of America?

What if… the Democrats are planning on rigging the election via mail-in ballot? What if… the Democrats are trying to turn election day into election week… or election month? What if… the Democrats will attack Trump for failure to recognize the mail-in ballot winner? What if… the Democrats plan on devaluing the entire DEMOCRATIC election process in America? What if… this “election devaluation” will be deliberately used to incite more protests, riots, and ultimately the pre-panned martial law scenario described above?

What if… Biden comes out and declares victory this November before anyone truly knows the results… like the news networks and George W. Bush did in 2000? What if… Biden wins by the proven-fraudulent mail-in ballot, and there is so much chaos in the streets from election protestors that martial law is declared in all Democrat-governed and RINO-governed states? What if… Donald Trump launches an investigation into the election but Nancy Pelosi uses martial law to remove him from the White House (as she has sworn she will do) before the investigation can be complete?

What if… the Covid “experts” disagree? What if… only the “experts” who agree with a certain narrative are touted as experts?  What if… those “experts” were paid off to state things which aren’t true? What if… experts who disagree with the narrative are regularly censored by big tech giants who run the internet? What if… this censorship was a page taken directly out of George Orwell’s book, “1984”? What if… Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube deliberately suppress Covid data from doctors who are considered experts in their field because they actually have the cure? What if… the cure does not require a vaccine? What if… Bill Gates could stand to miss out on billions to trillions of dollars if Covid can be eradicated without a vaccine and with hydroxychloroquine and zinc? What if… Covid would naturally become a non-issue with herd-immunity?

What if… there is no coin or cash shortage? What if… weening people off of cash is simply the first step to the deliberate and pre-planned worldwide economic crash? What if… we are witnessing the transition of the one-world-government and one-world-economy right before our eyes? What if… we’re all being duped?

What if… you researched what you believe are the most absurd questions above to find out what is true? What if… these questions stirred something within you to email us questions of your own? What if… your questions provoked curiosity in our community and helped others to ask questions of their own? What if… you emailed your questions to us at today?

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