Transformation by Virus – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Dr. Anthony Fauci said a lot earlier this year, after the Wuhan virus had been exported by Communist China and we in the U.S. learned what the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) had done to control it. Dr. Fauci said we would never have lockdowns or quarantines like Red China did. In his own words: “They’ve not only shut out the traffic out of Wuhan – planes, trucks, busses, ferries, rail – but they’ve done it to a number of surrounding cities. So, rather than say historically it doesn’t do much good – which is true – I think it’s important to wait and see that maybe the Chinese, because of the state of their society, that they’re able to do that. I mean, as you well know, there’s no chance in the world that we could do that to Chicago or to New York or to San Francisco.”

Shortly after his comment, Fauci began to adopt the “Chinese way” in dealing with the Wuhan virus. So the U.S. did the things Fauci said we couldn’t do. And, like Communist China, people were expected to obey – under oppressive penalty of law in some states – which mayors of large cities in dark blue states happily approved and then imposed.

Until recently, the United States had a functioning Constitution. Americans certainly would never genuflect, kneel, or even prostrate ourselves to a Marxist organization, grossly mislabeled as a civil rights movement: Black Lives Matter. Most of us would not put up with the anti-American antics of a second-string, socially-twisted NFL quarterback. We would not obey unconstitutional quarantine orders or mass lockdowns.

Today, however, saving a civil society from planned chaos by demented leftists has taken a back seat to a virus and the fear created by media and people like Dr. Fauci.

In California, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti declared he will shut off power and water to churches who won’t obey his virus dictates and submit to his tyrannical lockdown orders. In Communist China they shut churches down for far less. No surprise that Garcetti follows the Red Chinese model.

America has been drastically transformed in just five months, not by the Russians but by a Communist Chinese virus.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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