Activism vs. Originalism – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The Democrats’ collective hair is on fire due to President Trump’s decision to nominate a replacement for the late Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, before the election has been decided. They’re livid he would even attempt such an act with an election less than 40 days away. Their beloved activist justice will be replaced with a constitutional originalist and Democrats are incensed. This isn’t a one-for-one replacement; a Gorsuch for a Scalia. Trump is taking their seat. They believe they own it.

But President Trump is following the Constitution to the letter to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court bench, with advice and consent of the Senate. No foul here, at all, and history of presidential nominations to the highest court in an election year doesn’t support Democrats’ claim of “unprecedented.” Quite the opposite; but that doesn’t matter to progressives concerned about their agenda.

As we all know, the Democrats’ objective is to bypass the Constitution at every opportunity; otherwise their agenda for a one-party state cannot succeed. They must control the judiciary since they cannot usually achieve what they want legislatively.

And President Trump has nominated the Democrats’ worst nightmare: Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett. An originalist concerning the U.S. Constitution, she will interpret law based on its original text and meaning, not leftist political agendas. Democrats are fuming.

Their attacks on her character and her faith will be vicious. She will also be skewered over Roe v. Wade and the ACA (Obama’s illegal Affordable Care Act). The coming assault will make Kavanaugh’s abuse look like child’s play. Several Democrats in leadership already refuse to meet with her.

Why would the Senate Judiciary Committee put up with this; to subject her and her family to such abhorrent abuse? We don’t need another Bork, Thomas, Alito, or Kavanaugh bloodletting. Why wait until October 12 to begin hearings? She was thoroughly vetted three years ago and Senate Republicans have the votes to confirm her.

Call for a vote; skip Democrat tantrums.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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