Spectators: Only Observation; No Participation – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The leadership of the Republican Party and many of its elected still don’t realize who they face in the fight for the survival of our republic. They don’t have any desire to brand the Democrats for the radical socialists they have become. Except for a few conservatives, Republicans don’t have the courage to stand and face the conspirators who seek to destroy the president and this great republic, let alone fight them. They refuse to admit that the Democrat-Socialist goal is to transform America into an authoritarian socialist state, replacing liberty and capitalism with neo-Marxism.

Establishment Republicans won’t expose Joe Biden for the puppet he is. Those who wish to occupy the White House for power and control use Joe as a front man to get them in. The GOP refuses to call out Biden, Harris and other Democrats for supporting and cheering on the Antifa/Black Lives Matter Marxists and anarchists as they riot, loot and burn our cities, attack police, and cause death and chaos in our streets. They will not make the connection.

GOP leaders won’t condemn Democrat mayors and governors for allowing the mayhem to occur, holding police in abeyance as the perpetrators burn the cities they were elected to protect and serve. Many Republican office holders also refuse to condemn Democrat governors and mayors who use the Wuhan virus crisis to suppress the constitutional rights of their citizens, using the pandemic excuse to increase control over their own citizens. In fact, some Republican governors have followed the example of Democrats in lockdowns, church closures, and fruitless mask mandates, unconstitutionally deciding which businesses survive and which fail. They invent “essential” and “nonessential” classifications for organizations and businesses without the approval of legislatures. Power corrupts, as they say, no matter the party. Outrage from Republicans in elected positions was rare as they watched the introduction to elementary fascism. Indiana is one such state; most elected GOP office holders gave the over-the-line governor a pass.

This Republican lack of concern is expected, however, when we witness their absence as radical leftists took over the education system in the U.S., the lower federal courts, the entire entertainment industry and now sports at all levels. They have watched the advent of the “cancel culture,” few Republican voices objecting loudly to removal of historical monuments, erasure of our history (replaced with fictional revision), destruction of American culture and heritage, and violations of free speech by social media Big Tech.

In large part, the Republican establishment has stood idly by as the hard Left has systematically decimated America and its traditions. They have watched a dangerous socialist agenda advance over decades, through steady, incremental Democrat effort, and done little to arrest its advance or work or expose its criminal actions and despotic intent.

President Ronald Reagan had to drag Republican leadership, grousing loudly about his “cowboy” attitude, to dismantle a dangerous foreign aggressor who threatened America’s existence from half-way around the world. Reagan found only sporadic help from establishment Republicans in his battle to bring down the USSR before he got them to “buy in.” Why would they help him? They didn’t want him there in the first place. He was an “outsider” in the sense he never meshed with the elite in DC. To the dismay of the GOP, their favorite candidate ended up in the number two spot.

President Donald Trump is also having difficulty trying to arouse a sleeping, spectator Republican Party to recognize and act upon the threat posed within our very own nation by forces within the Democrat Party and allied with it, actively promoted by Democrat Media.

After Trump’s reelection, attitudes and awareness need to improve – and fast.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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