Election Theft: ‘The System’ Creates a Constitutional Crisis – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Our election system in the United States was intentionally demolished in the few days following the November 3 election. Democrats had to seize power illegally, since they could not defeat President Trump and the American people in a fair election. Not until Republican observers and poll workers were kicked out of polling places in several states could trucks deliver the boxes, sacks and suitcases in the wee hours of November 4, carrying enough counterfeit mail-in ballots for Joe Biden to overcome Trump’s substantial lead in several swing states. In an unprecedented action, counting was suspended in several critical states at roughly 1:00 a.m. on November 4 then resumed between roughly 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. that same morning. After the ballot deliveries and count restart, the lead in those states flipped to Biden.

Democrats manufactured as many mail-in ballots as necessary to defeat Trump and take the White House. Former localized election fraud (as with ACORN in several states in the 2012 election) has now grown to massive, nation-wide scale.

In the major “swing states,” thousands of mail-in ballots were discovered with no postmarks or signatures, filled out incorrectly, no signature validation, etc. In other words, invalid ballots. Some batches of ballots looked identical, with 98 out of 100 marked for Joe Biden.

Election officials at polling places instructed their poll workers to count the ballots anyway. Mail-in ballots lacking a timely postmark (November 3 or before) were postmarked with the Election Day date. Wisconsin’s strict absentee ballot rules were side-stepped, allowing 50,000- 60,000 illegal ballots for Biden. We were told repeatedly in 2016 that electronic voting machines could not be “hacked.” Now we find that Dominion Voting Systems’ machines, used in 33 states in this election, can be accessed through the Internet in at least seven different ways. A poll official in Fulton County, Georgia called a Dominion facility in Denver to fix one of her malfunctioning machines. And these systems are also illegal since they are outside of the error acceptability limits allowed under federal election law.

Many Dominion machines are electronically linked to a provider, “Clarity Electronics,” headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, where their servers routed many American ballots in the 2020 election. Voting machines in Oakland County, Michigan were connected to Clarity Electronics.

Federal statutes require voting records, machine (mechanical or electronic) or paper, be maintained for 22 months after an election for recounts or other election purposes. Some of the states in question using Dominion machines in this election have already “wiped” data from their machines. This is illegal, but Democrats already know that. They just aren’t concerned.

In 2005, a report released by a study group chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker, III warned against mail-in ballots as having the greatest potential for election fraud. Since then, several prominent elected Democrats have issued similar warnings, some as recent as late 2019. The warnings of 2005 have been ignored, but were the more recent Democrat objections to mail-in ballots done for disinformation or diversion from suspicion of future ballot fraud?

Biden did poorly across the nation, except where it “mattered” in certain swing states. He did worse than Obama and Clinton regarding minorities, where Trump substantially increased, in the case of black Americans doubled, votes taken in 2016.

According to Patrick Basham of The Democracy Institute, there are statistical and procedural anomalies everywhere, along with mathematic improbables and constitutional violations.

The new Congress seated on January 6, 2021 will have to resolve a serious constitutional crisis when they begin a new legislative session. This corruption has to stop.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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