Promoting Fear – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

As of December 7, the survival rate for the Wuhan virus was 99.87%. Yet the fear onslaught is worse than anything ever promoted by the Propaganda Press, at any point in U.S. history, for any disease – not polio, smallpox, the Spanish flu, the swine flu, AIDS, the Ebola virus, or even cholera.

However, during those periods of disease, Donald Trump wasn’t president, Barack Obama did not have a legacy in danger of extinction, and the globalists in both political parties were not fearful of losing their grip on the future of this nation.

We usually consulted medical experts for their knowledge and expertise to develop relief from the contagion and shorten the period of suffering.

And we didn’t trust lifetime bureaucrats who used terms like “lockdown” or “mandate.”

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