Textual Porn: The Silent Drug Prescribed to Minors by Schools – by Rhonda Miller

Rhonda Miller

When I began my research into education several years back, I never imagined the rabbit holes I would be traversing down and what I would soon uncover. The darkness and evil that is targeting our children is beyond anything we’ve seen in our lifetime.

Just a few short years ago, I discovered that pornography was getting into our schools by means of literature. I was contacted by a set of concerned parents who had discovered pornography in their child’s high school English assignment. The books that were to be used for a year-end assignment that had been prescribed by the teachers at their local school. For some reason, these parents had decided to read through some of the books on the list, which, by the way, didn’t contain any hint of porn in the brief descriptions that were given on them. What the parents soon discovered was horrifying!

The parents set out on a mission to dig through the text inside this list of books and uncovered some pretty dark things. They found very descriptive stories of masturbation, rape and prostitution along with many other dark agendas that will need to be covered in another article. For now, we’ll stick to the pornography. Needless to say, these parents were mortified and looking for answers. How on Earth could this happen and who was allowing it?

As I sat and listened to their justified concern, my heart broke. I knew that legally, schools could commit such atrocity without penalty. I was able to walk them through some steps to take to push back and with some social media pressure, small action steps were taken within the district. However, pushback came from those who believe minors should be reading such filth. You heard that right, there were parents who believed that kids should be able to read porn. What was even more shocking was that this happened in a very conservative area. Imagine what’s happening in areas that have little moral values.

Soon after this conversation, I was contacted by a youth pastor in an area not so far from this first incident. What she proceeded to tell me over the phone was that a teacher at their local school was actually reading pornography literature to the students. Can you believe that? A teacher actually reading porn to students. Again, this is currently legal in Indiana.

Additionally, today, I was notified that yet another Indiana high school is using pornographic literature as an assignment. It never ends, and schools are not able to be held accountable. Are you mad yet? Schools are sexualizing our children and hooking them on porn: the new gateway drug.

At this point, is it any wonder that child on child sex crimes have skyrocketed and that pornography is the #1 factor driving sex trafficking? When schools prescribe porn to minors, they are setting them up for a lifetime of addiction and violence. Textual porn leaves lasting impressions on the brains of minors and oftentimes leads them to acting out the fantasy created aggression.

I think it’s safe to say that schools and drug dealers have one thing in common. They both distribute drugs: one distributes narcotics while the other distributes porn. So, if drug dealers can be held accountable for drug addictions, why can’t schools be held accountable for porn addiction? Well, I’ll tell you.

Indiana is one of 43 states that has what is called an obscenity exemption. Under IC:35-49-3-4, public schools and public libraries are in defense of prosecution against the distribution of porn under “educational purposes”. However, pornography is NOT education. It’s a dangerous drug that kids are getting hooked on in record numbers and schools are part of that distribution. As with drug dealers, we must cut off the ability for schools to distribute the drug of pornography. We cannot allow our taxpayer funded schools and libraries to continue to prescribe such a lethal drug without serious consequences.

To make matters worse, IC: 35-49-3-3 states that it is illegal to sell, rent or display this same material within 500’ of a church or school. Why on Earth would we allow it into the school? That makes no sense at all. So carrying obscene material into the school would be a level 6 felony, but once inside the school, it’s perfectly legal. Let that sink in.
So, the question is “What can you do”? First, please pay close attention to all books that your child is being given to read. If they are bringing books home to read, read them too. If they are being read in class, find out what they are and grab a copy. Secondly, I need each of you to contact your state legislatures and tell them that they need to protect children from pornography in schools by repealing Indiana’s obscenity exemption and start holding schools accountable for the distribution of porn to minors. After all, our children are worth it!

Rhonda Miller
Purple for Parents Indiana

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