Biden’s ‘Day One’: Erasing the Trump Era – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Joe Biden planned to sign at least ten executive orders his first day that negated Trump’s directives, policies, and achievements. He did seventeen.

According to NBC Politics, the following were on Joe Biden’s planned actions for Day One: “Rejoin the Paris Climate agreement; repeal the Trump travel ban; halt border wall construction; mask mandate; extend eviction freeze; unveil immigration plan; extend student loan pause; and revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline.”

Responding to the NBC Politics tweet, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) tweeted:

WHO this agenda helps:
Paris Agreement -> China and European diplomats
Cancel Keystone -> Russian oligarchs
No wall -> illegal immigrants
Working class American priorities, small businesses reopening and recovering… Nowhere to be found.

Biden’s Day One plans addressed “four crises” facing the nation, according to his Chief of Staff Ron Klain: “COVID-19… the economy… the climate… and racial inequity.” Biden’s actions would “reverse the gravest damages of the Trump administration,” while “moving the country forward.” In reality, the plan will quickly undo as much of the Trump legacy as possible, pushing the country backward, returning this nation to the progressive repression and regression of the Obama years.

“Uncle Joe” disbanded President Trump’s 1776 Commission, which challenged the “systemic racism” myth fostered by the fictional The 1619 Project, a collection of essays by a radical journalist at the New York Times, now incorporated in many public schools across the nation.

He canceled the Keystone XL pipeline permit from Alberta to Nebraska, killing the 830,000 barrels/day pipeline that carries Canadian crude to refineries in the U.S. With that stroke of his pen and a snide grin, Joe Biden axed 11,000 jobs, 8,000 of them union, at a cost of $1.6 billion in wages, and roughly 60,000 jobs peripheral to the operation of the pipeline. So much for “working for the American people” and good relations with Canada. A headline in The Washington Post of January 21 read: “Cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline Starts Biden and Canada on the Wrong Foot.” Energy sector job casualties: 71,000.

It’s interesting to note that November, 2020 was the first month in 35 years that the U.S. did not import one barrel of oil from Saudi Arabia. Energy independence was a major achievement of the Trump administration, which will now be rolled back to the energy dependence of decades past. Iran, Russia, and China smile at the good fortune.

Biden ordered the cessation of Border Wall construction and canceled the emergency declaration for funding. An AP headline on January 22 read: “Biden Halts Border Wall Building After Trump’s Final Surge.” Biden will include illegal aliens in the U.S. Census and will accept new applications under the illegal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The Washington Post on January 21 boasted, “Biden Administration to Pause Deportations, Curtail Arrests.” There will be no deportation of illegal alien criminals, not even hardened members of MS-13, and the term “citizen” will become meaningless as amnestied illegal aliens become voters.

Other Biden actions included rejoining the corrupt Paris Climate Accord, barring drilling for oil and natural gas on federal land, and a stop to Trump’s withdrawal of the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN entity embraced by Dr. Fauci that ignored and hid details of the Wuhan virus from world governments, aiding and abetting deception from the Communist Chinese Party as its engineered virus rapidly spread across Western nations.

But there were good things that day. Our National Anthem was temporarily acceptable without kneeling and “Betsy Ross” American flags weren’t burned on camera.

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