Public Schools: The War Against Boys – by Paul Abramson

Paul Abramson

It’s been said that girls are made of “Sugar and spice and everything nice.” But boys (tongue-in-cheek) came from “Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.”  It was always known (until recently in America) that boys and girls are inherently different inside. Tragically though, we’ve lost such common sense today.  Liberalism (along with the inflated charade of widespread “toxic masculinity”) is progressively taking over our institutions.

Due to such liberal agenda influences, many of today’s public school teachers are openly against boys, masculinity, and against manhood in general.  This has gotten worse in recent years. The teachers bully, cajole, and belittle boys into becoming more “girl-like” in behavior. Innovation, inventions, and ideas are often discouraged.

“Class, each of you write a paper on how such-and-such thing FEELS!”  Feelings.  Emotions.  Reactions. Girls are rewarded in class projects by such, while boys who (are wired differently and) don’t play along are systematically punished.  The girl will read her wonderful shining paper about feelings aloud to all. Let’s praise her feelings.  The boys though, will just get lower grades as if they’d done something wrong by wanting to deal with facts instead.

The liberal worldview and its value system is an upside-down one. America’s internal Culture War (in the media, in politics) is also playing out in the classroom.  Boys and girls are being twisted from natural human sensibilities.  A man as a leader?  Oh no, let’s feel bad instead.  Maybe that’s your “privilege” coming out; we need to destroy that!  Feel bad about the past (and then wonder about low esteem among today’s young people).

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic have taken a back seat to Social-Emotional Learning programs. The process of giving useful and educational information to school children has transitioned into giving students politically biased influence. STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – has been corrupted down to STEAM (hot air) these days.  Why focus on the sciences, individual successes, and America’s (economic) survival into the future, when a teacher can insert “feelings” instead.  It is important to explore the arts or stop and smell the flowers sometimes – but don’t spend all day doing this!  Students are there to learn how to be successful adults!  Have you ever heard the term, “starving artist” but not ever heard “starving engineer”? There is a reason for this.

There are indeed jobs, however, for any recent graduate who gets an advanced degree in: “Feminist Studies” or “Racist Conservative Bigots” or in “Social Justice”!  Yes, it’s true, many jobs for them.  Just memorize the phrase, “Do you want fries with that?”

How many a liberal public school teacher has discouraged every girl in her classes from ever wanting to become (just) a homemaker and raising children as a top priority?  No, the liberal teachers will try to encourage dominance in the girls while the boys will need to become quieter and less man-like.  “Settle down now.  Let’s bring in some medications. Drug up the boys to stop their minds from actually thinking.  Take this pill, and then that one.  Then they’ll be quiet!  How are your feelings now!?”

It is tragic what is being played out in our public classrooms.  IMHO, these are crimes against humanity, crimes against the future or America.  Of course, some schools and school districts are much worse than others depending on how liberal are their school boards and teachers unions.

This is a war against our own future as a society.  Perhaps Liberals don’t realize this.  Perhaps they do.  A fake history (where all white people are bad, and all men are bad) pollutes the teachers’ thoughts and thus infects their attitudes and actions towards their students. Division is the name of their game.  “White privilege” is proclaimed and accused instead of being recognized as “Civilized Privilege”.  Every race and ethnicity in America has the same opportunities, and some of the richest people in the country are civilized nonwhites.  America is filled with opportunity, opportunity to overcome the obstacles of life which hinder individual success.

Civilized Privilege is a good thing!  What foolishness they teach in American schools these days.  The nuttiness of “White Privilege”.  The ancient Egyptians had “Civilized Privilege” along with the ancient Chinese, Cherokees, Zulus, Greeks, Romans, Incas, and others.  In other words, if one conducts himself or herself in a civilized manner with self-control, ahem, society often rewards such persons.  It’s called: “Civilized Privilege”.  No big surprises there, are there?  But we’ve lost our way as a culture.

The Culture War in our schools has invented enemies and falsehoods to demean the conservatives and help the liberals along. It’s a kind of a self-loathing victimhood used by the liberals to gain political/societal advantage.  Claim you are a victim of something… anything… and blame white people, conservative people, boys, men, or this over-exaggerated so-called “toxic masculinity” and you can force the hand of those who disagree with you to capitulate.  Claim to oppose bullying while you, yourself bully those with whom you disagree.  Teach (influence) that the natural design of boys is somehow bad, and you demonize an entire gender, shame that gender into rejecting itself, and force them to accept what is unnatural to their very existence.  Teach (influence) social-political bias in the classroom unto the regression of civilized society, and our young boys and teens become some of society’s most vulnerable casualties.

For more info and related thoughts, please see my video: “National Insanity: Coming Soon to a Country Near You!” for free download at:

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