‘Where Am I?’: Embarrassing and Dishonoring Our Nation – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

If the Biden administration desires to thoroughly humiliate the U.S. before the world, they’re having phenomenal success.

America was envied by many nations for our recently restored energy independence. His first day on the job alleged president Joe Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline and banned oil and gas exploration and drilling on federal lands, destroying our rediscovered energy independence. Western leaders shook their heads.

Then he reversed President Trump’s security measures on the southern border and ceased wall construction, opening the border, tossing security and sovereignty to the wind and sending invitations to aliens to enter at their pleasure — the benefits await. Free nations in the West sat in disbelief.

Iran will be restored as an ally of the Democrats in the Middle East. Monetary gift amounts (bribes and payoffs), as in the Obama Regime, haven’t been disclosed yet, but John Kerry lurks in the wings. Kerry has also been tasked with reigniting America’s role as piggy bank of the Paris Climate Accord. In the meantime, the Biden State Department began to move Israel off the “favored ally” list. Free nations gasped.

China President: Xi Jinping

After American representatives were lectured on U.S. soil, dressed down by a Communist Chinese delegation earlier this month, the Chinese Communist Party has a green light to further embarrass the U.S. on the world stage. Four years of fortitude and firmness from the Trump administration have apparently been replaced by submission and subservience. The Red Chinese know that they can now accelerate their plans for economic and strategic global domination with little, if not token, resistance from the U.S. Discussing trade deals between the U.S. and Red China and their adventurism in the international waters of the South China Sea were not on the agenda, U.S. delegates said. The word “weak” doesn’t begin to describe the American posture at that meeting. The insults flew and there was no response from the U.S. side — only acquiescence. (We likely apologized for allowing our citizens to blame their virus for the pandemic.) Our allies, India, Japan, and Australia, cringed.

Next came Biden’s much-heralded, carefully scripted press conference last week. Americans watched the farcical ruse, a show for his supporters, that Joe was in control and competent. It all fell apart.

Alleged president Joe Biden’s first, one-and-only in 65 days, press conference was a farce. But why would this production be any different than the rest of the false narratives and charades we have seen since his campaign began, and before? Joe’s been dealing with pathological lying since his early days in public office. This presser was no different; one lie after another rolled off his… script. Some lies were as bold as Biden saying the “surge” of illegals, and particularly illegal minors, at the southern border was seasonal. His lies about the filibuster were laughable, nearly as outlandish as Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer’s.

Biden used a notebook at the podium that contained reporters’ names and photos for identification. Even then, he had difficulty reading and pronouncing names; even locating faces sitting before him in the room. He struggled cognitively. He had difficulty physically.

Reporters were preselected beforehand, the answers to the prepared questions in Biden’s notebook. Yet he wandered off in the middle of sentences; three times never returning to the subject of the question.

Patriotic Americans are embarrassed and saddened, watching our chief executive abuse and disrespect his own — our country.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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