The ‘Cancel Culture’ is Actually A Cancer Culture – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Our uniquely American culture with its time-honored traditions is being hollowed out by a progressive cancer, corrupting the values and character of American culture.

A common philosophy, a shared history, and a distinct culture; these are essential for a cohesive society. These three must be commonly shared among the populace. If not, American society will be permanently fractured. Multiculturalism and diversity destroy this commonality, this community.

In a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll of 2,006 people conducted February 23-25, the question was asked, “Is cancel culture a threat?” Sixty-four percent said yes, it poses a threat; 36% said no, it does not.

Many more Americans, however, are waking to the fact that their freedoms are under attack by the radical Left, in an assault on our common culture. The concept of E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one) is being intentionally dismantled.

Vile propaganda against President Trump; vicious attacks on evangelical Christians, Jews, and other religious groups; a manufactured virus released upon Western nations from a Communist Chinese lab; riots, looting, and arson in Democrat-controlled cities by Marxist, fascist, and anarchist revolutionaries posing as civil and racial justice advocates and backed by Democrats and their political operatives; teachers unions and other leftist groups massively running up the national debt with useless, pork-infested spending bills sold as “public assistance” and “education initiatives;” and historical monuments toppled as supposedly “racist”—all these are intended to take down a

Christopher Columbus Statue Removal Richmond VA: Screenshot from:

president and an entire nation, replacing it with an authoritarian, socialist state. Democrat Media champions these efforts, leading the assault on our culture for its Democrat Party comrades.

At, this headline appeared recently: “Amid Push to Remove Confederate Monuments, Little Outrage Over Robert Byrd’s Namesakes in Home State.” A racist, former KKK Grand Kleagle, West Virginia Democrat Senator Byrd’s name on highways, buildings, and institutions is untouchable. The radicals’ war on our culture is reliably one-sided.

America’s values are threatened by a mob mentality; our standards lowered to meet the level of our new mediocrity—the societal dysfunction embodied by Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).

“Cancel culture” even hit the Kentucky Derby, BLM attempting to shut it down, calling the Derby “white privilege,” even though there was a black team owner in the competition. Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute calls the “white privilege” meme a “poisonous fiction.”

Under alleged president Joe Biden, we can expect: a “woke war” on Western Civilization; sports taken over by identity politics and biological men invading women’s sports, all the way to the locker room; a “hands off” policy toward Antifa and BLM; politicization of our military; and a steady withering of the U.S. economy. We will see the return of punishment for those who succeed or resist the social justice warriors.

Cancel culture also crushes free speech. A Florida hotel cancelled a scheduled fundraiser for Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, since he stood with Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in the Senate on January 6 to object to the certification of Joe Biden as president by the Electoral College.

Back on January 8, hard-leftist Rick Klein of ABC tweeted this: “Getting rid of Trump isn’t the hard part—cleansing the movement he commands of the big lie will be the hard part…” Mr. Klein can rest assured that the Democrats’ evil thought control and speech codes are germinating inside the cultural convulsions he cheers.

The Propaganda Press has termed it the “cancel culture.” But, judging by the damage it has caused our society already, in such a short span of time, it should be called the “cancer culture.”

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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