Woke, Inc.: Cancel Culture on Steroids – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The virtue signaling and overt elitism is becoming painful to watch, as one American corporation after another succumbs to blind obedience—mentally, lemmings.

“Wokeism” has targeted faith, family, culture, entertainment, sports, and the military. It’s also infected corporate America, which has now assumed the role of corporate anti-America. Delta Airlines, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Apple, BlackRock, Disney, Kellogg’s, Amazon, Nike and JP Morgan-Chase are just a handful of the businesses deep in “wokeness.”

Apple programmed Siri to voice support for Black Lives Matter. Coca Cola built a marketing program called “Together We Must” about its commitment to racial justice. The entire effort in Nike’s marketing department is committed to social and racial justice. Kellogg’s has a new LGBT-friendly rainbow cereal named “Together.”

Amazon recently pulled a documentary, In Clarence Thomas’ Own Words, from its streaming service during the month of February, ironically “Black History Month.” The DVD version, available for sale on Amazon’s site, was removed on February 8. They simply stopped streaming the documentary and pulled the DVD, no explanation given. And now Amazon is selling merchandise bearing the words, “Blue Lives Murder.” No response from Amazon was seen when various law enforcement organizations demanded the offensive material be pulled.

The first week in June, Surry County, North Carolina canceled “Coke” for being too “woke.” Coca-Cola corporate gave reasons for their actions, which only condemned them more. Undoubtedly, their words will be held against them in similar cases of “woke corporatism” that have run amok in many counties and municipalities. Here are three topics found in Coca-Cola’s new woke training manual: “Confronting Racism,” “Understanding What it Means to be White,” and “Challenging What it Means to be Racist.”

Coke’s manual of woke explains that to be “less white” is to: “be less aggressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant, be more humble,” to “listen, believe, break with apathy,” and to “break with white solidarity.” Everything hinges on race. This entire list of idiotic assumptions totally removed from reality has no relationship to the amount of melanin in your skin, your acquired skills, or your ability to succeed.

The latest corporation to be captured by anti-American forces of the Left is “Woke Disney.” In his article in the City Journal, “The Wokest Place on Earth,” Christopher Rufo explained, “Disney mounted an internal campaign against ‘white privilege’ and organized racially-segregated ‘affinity groups.’ Disney has added critical race theory to company training programs… Disney is indoctrinating its employees to support defunding the police, paying reparations, and ‘decolonizing their bookshop.’”

But there may be a glimmer of hope. When the new corporate values of “Woke Disney” pushed critical race theory (CRT) into their corporate structure with overt racism and “white privilege” checklists on their employees, Disneyexecutives were embarrassed by what their HR department had done. But will they reverse it?

This woke ideology is racist to its core and Marxist—a secular religion under Title Seven of the U.S. Code. American corporations embrace critical race theory, but it’s not about treating people equally. It is about segregation to obtain control.

Welcome to Woke America, where everyone is equal but no one is exceptional.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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