Fleeing Responsibility: Another Political Stunt – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Fifty-one Democrat legislators from the state of Texas couldn’t get their way on an election integrity bill in that state, so they walked out of the Texas House in protest just before the vote, fleeing their legislative responsibility and their oaths of office. Democrats are a minority in the Texas legislature; they knew they would lose, so they became fugitives, refusing to vote on the Texas election law reform before them, in a bill intended to improve election integrity in Texas by reducing opportunities for fraud.

The Texas voters bill implements common sense reforms, as some of its features show:

  • Hours for early voting are increased
  • “Drive-through” voting is banned
  • Uniform voting laws across the state; all counties will be the same
  • 24-hour voting is banned
  • There are new voter ID requirements
  • Blanket distribution of mail-in ballot applications is banned
  • Poll-watcher protections are enhanced
  • No “drive-by” voting

And this last point just reinforces current law. Harris County (Houston), Texas violated this already-existing law in the 2020 election, setting up “drive-by ballot drops” across the county. (Houston should have been charged and penalized for violating this law in 2020. No Texas public official has stated why this didn’t happen.)

The Democrats fled the state on a chartered aircraft to plead their case before Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, two comrades in crime in the Democrats’ pursuit of unobstructed voter fraud; people who can do nothing legally on the state level (unless their plot to nationalize elections embedded in the H.R. 1/S.R. 1 bill now stuck in the Senate becomes law). Federal involvement in national elections is a direct violation of the United States Constitution. But Democrats care nothing for constitutionality, or that document, doing their best over the decades to destroy our Constitution. Every time Republicans do nothing to stop them, Democrats advance tyranny; the Constitution and Liberty shrink.

In Texas, abandoning one’s office during a legislative session is a crime, with penalties attached. So, Governor Greg Abbott issued an order to have the lawmakers apprehended as soon as they reenter Texas and arrested for dereliction of duty. Hopefully, he’ll have Texas Rangers cuff the miscreants as they arrive at the Austin airport. Until they show up, the governor has promised to call special sessions and reiterated his promise to sign the bill into law.

A comparison is stark: Cubans who demonstrate in the streets of Havana and other Cuban cities for an end to Castro Regime communist tyranny and a restoration of liberty are courageous, placing their lives in jeopardy; whereas the demonstration of childish immaturity by the Democrat Texas legislators exhibits cowardice.

Afraid, or unable, to defend their position on the Texas election reform law, they fled their responsibility. The proposed Texas law actually makes it easier to vote, but more difficult to cheat. Democrats cannot allow this. With policies that are unpopular with a majority of voters in Texas, the only way to win is through bending (or ignoring) the rules. As in Georgia and numerous other states cleaning up election corruption, the Texas law will be vehemently opposed by Democrats, by any means available.

They understand these actions lose support from the public but they don’t care. Who needs real votes when you have developed multiple ways of manufacturing what you need to win, even replacing voters.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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