Where Did All the Children Go?: Part 14 – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

The San Francisco Gay Choir recently released a video of their performance with the chorus “We’re coming for them! We are coming for your children!”. There were several convicted sex offenders in the video, and of course, there were cries of outrage about this video.

The backlash demanded a response, to which the San Francisco Gay Choir said that this performance was “intended to be funny – – just a joke.” I dare say that I CANNOT IMAGINE ONE DECENT human being on earth found this to be funny, whether they are gay or straight.

My son was in first grade in the mid-70’s when I learned there was such a thing that existed in modern times. Call me isolated or out-of-touch, but I had thought back then that homosexuality had pretty much ended in Biblical days and thought that only men were homosexuals. Then my cousin’s daughter, who was about 14 or 15 years old confided in me that her (pedo-lesbian) female schoolteacher had seduced her. She was confused and told me she did not know if she was a lesbian, or if she would prefer to be with men (when she was old enough to be in a serious relationship).

We never know what life experiences one has had to cause them to make the choices they do. I lost touch with my cousin for several years and never knew if she dated men or women, but ultimately, she chose a relationship with a woman, and they have been together for years. They seem to be very decent, professional people and lead interesting lives that includes travel to fantastic places. I have a few friends, acquaintances, and relatives who are gay, but I DO NOT BELIEVE that any one of them would have found this video to be funny.

These old, effeminate, baldheaded men with beards in the San Francisco Gay Choir had hateful, demonic sneers and mocking eyes that made their faces look as sinister and EVIL as anything I have ever seen.

The song started out with a young singer and then another young man joined in as they sang, “So for those of you who are working against our rights, we have a message for you! You think we’re sinful! You say we lead lives you can’t respect. But you’re just frightened! You think we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. FOR JUST THIS ONCE YOU ARE CORRECT! We’ll corrupt your children, bit by bit quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it! WE DON’T CARE! We’ll make them tolerant and fair! We’ll convert your children; yes, we will! There’s really no escaping it, and the world’s getting kinder. Someone’s got to teach them not to hate. We’re coming for them! We’re coming for your children!”.

The two young men who begin the song look every bit as evil and sinister. They swing their heads back and forth in glee knowing they are terrifying parents, just as their words make clear. They mock parents and shrug their shoulders when they sing, “We don’t care” to emphasize that they truly don’t. Their selfish agenda has no compassion. They want what they want, and they don’t care who they hurt, traumatize, or trample. They don’t care how many people will pay the price for their agenda as long as they get what they want. And so, they sing. Their faces become sickeningly twisted and menacing when they repeatedly sing, “We’ll corrupt your children! We’re coming for them!”.

They accuse, bash and complain about people they call “homophobic”, and then deliberately try to instill fear in those who were never homophobic to begin with. In all actuality, no one is truly homophobic… who in the world would have a phobia, an extreme fear of homosexuals? It doesn’t make any sense. It is merely an accusation, name-calling in an attempt to discredit anyone who disagrees with any agenda they choose. After all, name-calling almost always discredits the accused and causes them to want to defend themselves. This alone makes them look guilty of the accusation even if they are not. Accuse someone of being immoral, and while the focus is on them, commit every selfish, immoral, or malevolent act known to man. Apparently, that’s how it all works.

Sadly, we have learned over time that people who want to corrupt, rape or kill children, find jobs or rent homes that gives them access to children. It is the same with those who want to get children addicted to drugs.

Ronnie Hyde worked as a licensed counselor at different schools. He decapitated and dismembered foster child, Fred Laster, and they suspect he killed more children that went missing in the area. Caesar Gonzales Mugaburu and his wife counseled hundreds of troubled youths and received $3,000,000 of taxpayer money for doing so. He raped eight girls, one boy, and performed acts of bestiality with dogs in front of the children. In Hungary, they recently restored exclusive rights of parents to educate children about the LGBTQ communities with a 157 to 1 vote. In America, parents seem to be more complacent.

Four-year-old Hunter Payton of Radcliffe, KY was starved and beaten to death by foster parents (two men married to each other).

Four-year-old Victoria Rose Smith was beaten to death by foster/adopted mother and contestant on the “Worst Cooks in America” food network, Ariel Robinson. On Jan. 6th 2020, Robinson tweeted “In my house, my black children get treated the same way as my biological black children. It’s a shame when they go out in the real world, they won’t be treated the same. #WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter”

Another tweet said, “I will never have to worry about my white sons and that makes me happy. What makes me sad is that every worry I DON’T HAVE for them will be multiplied for my black sons until this is fixed, we are NOT the USA we can be. Justice, fairness and equality for all. #BlackLivesMatter”

Oprah Winfrey tweeted, seemingly in response, “Speaking your truth is THE MOST POWERFUL TRUTH we all have.” Robinson’s last tweet said, “It’s a shame that as a proud mom to four beautiful boys, I can’t protect them from the reality and evil of this world once they leave the house. However, I will fight and use my voice to make a difference. I’m a momma bear and will do anything to protect my children.”

Robinson is a very large woman, and that was her last tweet before she beat TINY little white (privileged?) girl, Victoria Rose to death. Robinson blamed it on her biological black son, but her husband said she did it and that she is a very violent woman.

You better believe that children are being corrupted and converted through these immoral, divisive, anti-American, socialistic and political agendas, even at the rate of six at a time when they are placed in homes of pedophiles, whether they are gay or straight. I have heard stories where social workers were having sex with some of their clients and put as many as 20 children with them so that they can make a staggering amount of money.

How many straight, gay and transgender social workers do you think there are who truly want to convert and corrupt your children? Whatever you think, there are likely a hundred times to a thousand times more. It’s no secret, the corrupt and perverse seem to gravitate toward certain areas of social work and the fostering systems of America.

However, the evil, immoral, corrupt, deceptive, and malevolent are making advances in every realm of society. They are coming for your children whether you are aware of it or not, and most everyone is doing little to nothing to stop them. This is the darkness we are called to fight. But will we do anything to stop it before it is too late for our children or too late for this country?

We seem to be in a war of evil vs. good, and evil prevails as long as good people sit back and do nothing. God, please raise up those who will do something… help your little ones, and put them on the minds and hearts of people to get individuals and institutions shut down that are being used for evil and replace them with individuals and institutions that do only good.

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