Faith: Rise of the Eunuchs: The Last Laugh – by Aaron Gish

Aaron Gish

Before I share about an important dream that I believe is a pivotal one for the near future, I want to give some history that might help in understanding it. During Election week in November of 2020 the mail-in ballots came flooding in late, just as predicted. On Friday, November 6th, Joe Biden had potentially reached the number of electoral votes needed and many news outlets were declaring him the 46th president of the United States.

It was a wild week… and a wild weekend was about to ensue. The following Sunday, November 8th, Kenneth Copeland would become a viral sensation. Early in service for Kenneth’s Sunday message, he would speak a little bit about a Johns Hopkins University’s study of laughter. This was part of his presentation that would lead up to his main message. During his presentation to the message, Kenneth set up a statement for a moment of laughter when he said, “The media said Joe Biden’s president!”

He then began laughing and when he laughed hysterically in response, so did his congregation. This threw the internet into a storm of memes and short clips. He demonstrated so much laughter that the entire internet would make fun of him laughing. Copeland would obviously be an easy target for both media and social media since he was poking fun… at the media. But most importantly because it was their agenda to present Joe Biden as president so early on despite such an unusual transition.

A few days after Kenneth’s famous Sunday laughter, I had an extremely interesting dream.

On 11/11/2020, I dreamt that Donald Trump had gotten sick with Covid-19 and was near death. President Trump would make a brief appearance to the public where he would explain that he would pass away in exactly 3 days, but before his death he would like to make an important announcement.

Throughout the dream, I never once felt a sense of despair about the death of our president. I was only excited about the “important announcement”. Trump began to get very ill, and near the third day I was heading to his funeral. Strangely, this was where he was supposed to make the announcement. I walked into a very large church where I saw a casket meant for Trump. Trump’s casket was empty when I had arrived, and everyone was waiting for Trump to be escorted to his own funeral in order to make his announcement. Quite odd, isn’t it?

When I walked in and saw the casket, standing close to it was none other than Kenneth Copeland. He was smiling and laughing as he saw me and greeted me as a well-known friend. I began to laugh and smile as well, as I grabbed his hand for a handshake like I would when greeting a close friend. I then looked across the church and saw many Christians fellowshipping with each other. Not one person at the church was somber or grieving like in a traditional funeral service. Everyone was in eager anticipation for this “announcement”.

Especially after being greeted by a highly optimistic Kenneth Copeland, there was no part in my dream where I felt that Trump was going to die. Such an excitement was in the air when I arrived at Trump’s funeral. After looking around, I decided to grab a seat and move it towards the back of the church. When I got to the back of the church, I saw Ethan Bearman sitting in a chair. He was not facing the front of the church. Ethan had his arm over another chair next to him. I decided to put my chair over the top of the chair he seemed to be guarding. Ethan looked stunned at what I did. This was the end of the dream.

The Interpretation:

Trump was sick with Covid in the dream. Covid paved the way for the massive amounts of (both legitimate and proven fraudulent) mail-in ballots to be used in the election, and it was Covid that killed Trump’s win. If not for Covid, the mail-in ballots would never have been accepted.

In the dream, Trump said he would make an announcement on the “third day”. I know that this is symbolic of a resurrection of Trump reminiscent of Christ’s resurrection on the 3rd day. Meaning: Trump would have to “die” or have a season end as President… and be resurrected as President once again. I don’t have a single doubt in my mind that Trump will be president again.

Kenneth Copeland represents the faith and optimism of the church. He represents the prophets who have prophesied a Trump victory. The chair that I brought with me to the back of the building represents an actual “seat” of authority. Possibly in the political realm.

Ethan Bearman is a chief technology officer for a major data security company. He is also a hard-left voice in media. He is a co-chair for a major Super PAC (big money) for the Democrat Party.

Ethan held his arm over a chair in my dream. The empty chair his arm is over symbolizes that the person or entity which belongs there is mysterious, unseen, hidden in the dark, or behind the scenes. Bearman’s seat (the right-hand seat) means that he is the co-chair of “dark money” if you will.

Super PAC’s and their limitless purse strings have long been controversial to say the least as big money and even dark money from rich and powerful people is used to turn the political tides. The fact that Bearman “held a chair” in the dream and I put another chair from the “church” on top of it… is only symbolic of God putting His seat of power atop the seat of “data”, “dark money”, and media that has tried to secure a corrupt win of an illegitimate Commander and Chief.

You have to realize the time and season when I had this dream. I truly believed that Trump would win the 2020 election in some shape, form, or fashion according to any part of the certification process that goes all the way up to Inauguration Day. I believed that God was going to expose the corruption, paving the way for Trump to retake office and for the Body of Christ to move forward and not backward in this nation.

Another reasoning for my strong faith in this outcome was due to another unusually vivid dream I had in 2020. It was on the 4th of July. In the dream, I saw the word “ADVANCE”. The fact that this was a dream on the 4th of July made me realize that the Declaration of Independence was really the beginning of the Revolutionary War. It’s a date in history where we as a country declared with great faith that God would be with us in our advancing.

I knew God was saying that we were getting ready to enter into some interesting times of spiritual warfare, regardless of a Trump victory. We as the church needed to advance no matter what it looks like on the political, cultural, or spiritual spectrum. We needed to advance when COVID hit. We needed to advance though Trump did not retake office the way we thought he would.

God has a plan. He has been up to something all along. He knew that the election would play out as it did. And He is using what the devil meant for evil… to turn out for our good. God is positioning His people for advancement.
He is exposing that which is hidden. He is exposing that which is corrupt. And He is calling us to come up higher, to rise above the world in which we live, to fly above the storm, to see from His perspective, and to strive for His purpose and destiny for us and for the land within which He has placed us.

Exposure is here. Exposure is now. Get your house in order. The eunuchs are pulling back the proverbial curtain. The chamberlains are opening closed doors. The hidden agendas of the Vashtis are being revealed, and the Jezebels are being thrown out the window.

Audits are exposing provable election fraud in swing states, and more audits will follow. Corrupt politicians have already been charged with election fraud (but you don’t hear that in the news). This shadow government, the corrupt, the real insurrection, the players on the pyramid of corruption in our great United States of America are only playing checkers with the future of our country and its people. God, however, is playing chess. We will see the tables turned. We will see the empty casket, the resurrected champion, the ensuing checkmate, and just as with Christ’s empty tomb, His resurrection, and satan’s ultimate defeat… God and His people will have the last laugh… and we will all look back and celebrate this moment in history in which we witnessed the Rise of the Eunuchs and the Fall of Jezebel in our nation.

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