Medical Tyranny: People Are Sick of Pandemic Politics – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

“Biden declares war on 80 million Americans,” read the Guardian headline.

Essentially, Joe Biden did just that in his patently dictatorial speech on Thursday, September 9. But it was to be expected: You will take the medicine he prescribes for you, no matter the danger, its effectiveness, or lack thereof. Joe knows what’s good for you; Dr. Anthony Fauci told him that the experimental vaccines are the only choices you have. Take the injection and you will avoid the heavy hand of the government. Refuse the mandate and you will be ostracized from society; denied its comforts and the benefits of civilization!

Many of us knew, however, based on his autocratic eight-month record, that it was only a matter of time before the Marxist in Joe would come out and there would be a radical edict to control the people who wouldn’t obey. It was Biden’s “COVID Vaccination Demand” speech, issuing new vaccine mandates to impact over 80 million Americans—the “unvaccinated.” Joe stated his goal was to “reduce the number of unvaccinated Americans.” But Joe doesn’t want to convince you to “get the jab” using facts, logic or reason; he’s going to use government pressure—force. Because he can’t use facts or reason, neither support his objective, and force is what Marxists do.

Biden attempted to use fear, emphasizing “hospitalized people on their deathbeds” because “they’re unvaccinated.” He lied about hospitals “ordering mobile morgues.” “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” declared Joe (even when, in a recent study in Scotland, the vaccinated death toll was three times higher than the death toll of the unvaccinated).

He is further dividing the nation, stating that he will work against those (the unvaccinated) “blocking public health.” He issued mandates to the private sector, calling them “requirements.” He urged state governors to issue vaccine mandates (on top of the already expected mask mandates). Then he blamed Republican public officials for the national “vaccine hesitancy.” He will require 17 million health care workers to be vaccinated and stated, “If you want to do business with the federal government, get your workers vaccinated.” Joe plans to increase vaccinations among the unvaccinated by launching “new directives.” Biden declared that “This is not about freedom or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”

At the time of this writing, 21 state governors and two state attorneys general have emphatically stated their refusal to abide by the authoritarian, unconstitutional edict from our alleged president, because this IS about freedom and personal choice. Along with the two state attorneys general, several governors have promised lawsuits the moment Biden’s pen leaves the page of the directive he signs to violate states’ Tenth Amendment rights. This will go to court if he doesn’t back off.

Biden addressed the unvaccinated directly: “Our patience is wearing thin.” Who does he think he’s talking to? The delivery of his ultimatum was abusive and condescending, treating his audience—the American people—as if we were subjects, or unruly children who had disobeyed a parent. His tone was offensive and arrogant. Do this my way; obey my directive, or else.

“I understand the anger of you vaccinated against those unvaccinated.” If Joe suggests there is anger, he can expect there will be. Biden’s desire is for two opposing factions: the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The message of conflict was not subtle.

He cannot continue to achieve chaos unless he plans conflict and division.

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