McConnell Caves Again – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

It’s increasingly obvious that elected officials in both political parties aren’t working for the people, but for themselves. If they were truly “working for the people,” the debt ceiling would stay where it is and spending would reflect that limit. Raising the debt ceiling (for future spending) will damage the country and our children’s futures, since they will be responsible to pay for the increased debt.

To end the filibuster 60 votes were needed, so eleven Republicans joined the 50 Democrats for a vote of 61-38 to break cloture and allow a final vote.

Assisting Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in his quest to relegate Republicans to minority status in the Senate were some familiar names: John Thune (SD), John Cornyn (TX), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Richard Shelby (AL), Rob Portman (OH), Susan Collins (ME), John Barrasso (WY), Mike Rounds (SD), and Roy Blunt (MO). These eleven Republican turncoats threw a lifeline to Senator Chuck Schumer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and alleged president Joe Biden, in their quest to crash the economy by exploding U.S. debt, which now stands at over $28 trillion dollars. Schumer needs to raise the debt ceiling so he can pass the $3.5 (actually $5.5) trillion spending extravaganza, which includes evil and nefarious things—over 2,500 pages of pay-offs, pork, and socialist transformation.

The two-month “extension” that McConnell agreed to with his partner Chuck Schumer runs until December 3, raising the debt ceiling by $480 billion. After that barrier is breached, and it will be, a new battle to again raise the debt ceiling will ensue, using the same illegitimate, false assumptions. The usual, ominous threats of national “default” will be showered upon an economically unschooled populace, stoking fear and doubt.

When one political party desires to radically transform our nation into an authoritarian one-party state, the “opposition” party should resist—it doesn’t cooperate.

As squishy Senator Mitch McConnell has done on numerous occasions, he enabled Democrat perversion instead of standing firm and saying, “No!” to the enemies within.

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