With Liberty and Justice for All? – by Carolyn G. Gallagher

Carolyn G. Gallagher

Written by Carolyn G. Gallagher, VIP Writing Contest First Place Winner.

Remember standing with your hand over your heart and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance while facing the American flag in school each day?  Did you ever think those words would lose their original meanings?  Are you sure you know what the words “diversity”, “equity”, “tolerance” and “infrastructure” mean?

In this “woke” nation, depending on your politics, age, sexual identity, faith, how you define your nuclear family, financial and educational status, these words may define our environment in surprising ways.  Feel good words are being used like blinders on a racehorse.

I would bet that most people do not know the history of the word “woke”. The term woke was originally linked with black Americans combating racism as in being awake and aware of that which “the man” does not want them to know.

A commencement speech entitled “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution”, given by Martin Luther King, Jr., at Oberlin College on June 14, 1965, cautioned the graduates that “there is nothing more tragic than to sleep through a revolution”. He continued, “the great challenge facing every individual graduating today is to remain awake through this social revolution”.

Currently, large corporations have hijacked the term woke to demonstrate their activism against all forms of social injustice including racism, toxic masculinity, and anti-LGBTQ. These marketing campaigns have a twisted motive behind their activism; add to their bottom line.

Around 2018, Andrew Sullivan, a British-American author, editor, blogger, and political commentator, had this to say about woke social awareness, “We have the cult of social justice on the left, a religion whose followers show the same zeal as any born-again Evangelical.” Certainly, a secular commentary against Evangelical Christianity.

Now that wokeness is as clear as mud, liberals have decided to squeeze diversity, inclusion, and equity into every aspect of our lives. Corporations, and other organizations feel the need to hire a director of diversity, inclusion, and equity, to exhibit to the world their moral platitudes of how tolerant, and respectful they are of every individual. The point is to advert our attention away from what is important.

With the introduction of the coronavirus, riots involving Antifa and Black Lives Matter, questionable election integrity and now a new surge of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, our country is in chaos.  President Biden introduced and signed a two trillion dollar “COVID” bill that was comprised of only nine percent tied directly to Covid-19.

Within the last month we have seen the House pass a 3.5 trillion-dollar budget resolution that does not contain a single dollar towards the military. What a dereliction of duty by our elected officials in the face of the debacle happening now in Afghanistan.

Our veterans are watching in horror as it is now a foregone conclusion that American citizens and US allies have been left behind. Glenn Beck was on Tucker Carlson’s show the week of August 29, 2021. He has been assisting Christians in Afghanistan to be airlifted to other countries and paying for it out of his own pocket. He would not say what countries these Christians were being airlifted to because our own government has tried to block his efforts every way possible. What a juxtaposition this is to our own southern border that is open to people from over a hundred countries.

If you are a non-citizen and cross our southern border, you do not have to wear a mask, or be vaccinated for COVID-19, or be vetted, or have any type of visa, birth certificate, driver’s license, health insurance, or money. You will be fed, clothed, given health care, a bus ticket or plane ticket to somewhere in the United States and given a packet of money.

Afghans are arriving in our country by the thousands. According to Tom Homan, former ICE Director, it takes eighteen months to properly vet someone. Our government was trying to vet Afghans while they were on planes heading for the United States; many with no documents.

We have no idea if any are a threat to our national security. When this happened, we were days away from the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, and we have opened our country to another threat. A possible threat we are flying into our country, a possible threat from our open southern border, and a possible threat caused by the vacuum created by the disastrous evacuation of Afghanistan. A vacuum now filled by terrorist groups.

As you stand with your hand over your heart and sing the National Anthem or recite the Pledge of Allegiance, do you feel in your heart that there is justice for all? Do you believe that President Biden can run our country, and act as Commander in Chief? Are you confident in our Democrat majority House and Senate?

If not, what do you plan to do? The time for action is now! Run for a political office, attend school board meetings, city council meetings, and/or county council meetings. Support conservative, constitutional-minded candidates by donating money, serving on campaign committees, attending fundraising events, and educating yourself on the issues.

Lastly, continue to place your hand over your heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance. Sing the National Anthem. Familiarize yourself with the candidates so you can cast an informed vote. Bow only to God. Get on bended knees in prayer to Him. His divine guidance will ensure liberty and justice for all.

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