School Board Battles: The Backlash Has Only Just Begun – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Of the communist goals for subversion of the United States, as published by Dr. Cleon Skousen in 1958, this is Number 17: Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

All this has been accomplished through an insidious partnership of the NEA and AFT teachers’ unions with the Department of Education, to deliver nationalized education, supported by leftist textbook authors, editors, and publishers.

Early in 2020, radical school curriculums were exposed through forced “long distance learning.” Parents are now aware of the advanced indoctrination of their children into a nationally-administered group-think. Local school boards, willing agents for the ideology infusion of K-12 kids, have become the front-line battlefields as parents try to rescue their children’s minds.

The White House and the union-controlled National School Board Association (NSBA) colluded on a memo to Biden’s attorney general, signed by the alleged president, to identify “unruly parents” who confront school boards as “domestic terrorists.” Now the NSBA is incensed that the attorney general’s memo to the FBI fanned fires under outraged parents. The exceedingly angry parents are taking the NSBA and its member school boards to the woodshed.

In House committee hearings on the DOJ’s instructions to the FBI, 19 Republican House members demanded that Attorney General Merrick Garland rescind his directive to the FBI. So the NSBA has sent a memorandum to parents, apologizing for calling parents domestic terrorists, stating, “On behalf of the NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter… there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.”

Frustrated with the ideological insanity of the NSBA oligarchy and their activist school boards such as the radically-Left Loudoun County School Board in Virginia, state school boards are jumping ship, cutting ties with the NSBA. National Review reported on October 26: “Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania School Board Groups Leave National Association over Letter Likening Parents to Domestic Terrorists.” The Ohio School Boards Association media statement explained their exit: “That participation should not come at the expense of interfering with the board’s ability to conduct its business or subjecting individual board members to threats of violence, abuse, or harassment… such interference should be dealt with at the local level, not by federal officials.” Ohio left due to federal intrusion and other states are doing the same. When teachers’ union thugs are making all the decisions, the local autonomy of the school boards is already compromised. Many don’t appreciate visits by FBI officials, far outside their jurisdiction, exacerbating the problem. The FBI has no power to do anything at state or local levels concerning parents at school board meetings, but their simple presence achieves the intimidation the Biden Regime intended.

An example of how bad totalitarian education has become was illustrated by a Minnesota school board. For parents to speak at an open meeting, they must provide their home address, phone, and other information, or the opportunity to speak would be denied, their free speech suspended in that forum. And, if parents wanted to access documentation concerning the school curriculum (Critical Race Theory, transgender agendas, or even test results) they had to submit a non-disclosure agreement to be given the information! Educators don’t want anyone to know what they’re teaching our children.

As anti-school board confrontations by outraged parents multiply, Biden’s clueless response was the appointment of the NSBA president to a federal oversight board… on education of all things.

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