“That’s Just the Way it Has to Be” – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

“Kids are deadly biological weapons if they are not wearing masks! Kids are deadly biological weapons if they do not take the shots!” “It is sad that children have been permanently disabled, but it is just the way it has to be if we are EVER GOING TO END COVID!”

“It is sad that children have died from these shots, but it is just the way it HAS TO BE if we are EVER GOING TO END COVID!”

“It is sad that seven children died immediately and others fell in the floor having seizures when the military in Australia locked 24,000 children in a football stadium, and would not let the parents come in as they forcefully jabbed them, but that is the way it HAS TO BE if we are EVER GOING TO END COVID.”

“It is bad that the police are spraying children in the face with pepper spray for not wearing a mask, but they HAVE JUST GOT TO LEARN!

“It is bad that the schoolteacher beat that kid up for pulling his mask down, but he should have known better”.

“It is really sad that the little six-year-old girl in foster care died three days after the shot, but it just HAS TO BE THIS WAY if we ARE EVER GOING TO END COVID”.

“It is sad that Stephany DeGaray is inconsolable because her 12-year-old daughter, Maddie, is now wheelchair bound and been in the hospital the past 3 1/2 months out of the past five, with 19 Emergency Room visits, since getting the shot. But at least her mother DID THE RIGHT THING.”

“It is sad that lungs are being destroyed from breathing in ALL THAT BACTERIA that gets trapped in masks, but at least people are just getting sick and dying from bacterial pneumonia, Legionnaire’s, antibiotic resistant pulmonary staph infections, instead of DYING FROM COVID”.

“It is bad if all these doctors are right, that forcing kids to wear masks damages their brain, but they JUST HAVE TO LEARN it is a good thing to protect people who are the most vulnerable”.

“If this is communism, forcing healthy kids to wear masks and forcing healthy children to take “vaccines”, then I would rather live under communism than to risk getting Covid”.

I listened to Dr. Mark Siegal tell Laura Ingraham on FOX News that on Halloween, 2021, these “vaccines” will be available for 5- to 11-year-old children!! No doubt, people will soon be wearing buttons that say, “I got my child vaccinated”, and eventually they will say “I got my baby vaccinated”. We have already seen the young pregnant woman who bragged about getting her vaccine, and then posted about how proud she was that she was breastfeeding her baby to give her baby the benefits of her vaccine. Her baby died at 2 1/2 months old, and she took down her account.

We’ve all seen the nurse who got vaccinated on camera who passed out in the interview right after the jab, but most of us didn’t hear that she never recovered. That nurse died… but of course, that little piece of information never made the news… since that’s just the way it has to be.

I once read where Bill Gates gave a ton of synthetic milk to mothers in third world countries, who had breastfed their babies in the past. Gates left their country, and the mothers could not get the milk any longer, and all their babies died. We will NEVER EVER KNOW how many babies died because other mothers believed that their “vaccines” also benefitted their babies. I have personally encountered five adults in the past month who believe that you are just going to have to be forced to give your child(ren) the “vaccine”, even if it causes them to become permanently disabled, paralyzed or to die. That will make them feel safer.

If it makes you feel any better, at least you can take solace in the fact that they think it is sad when children die from the vaccine. Those people mean business! They also think it is sad that your children are being forced to wear masks, depriving them of the air God gave them to breathe, increasing their Co2 levels, causing them brain damage, causing them to get strep throat and bacterial infections, and to pass out. It is sad to them, but those tyrants DEMAND that you do it to your child, anyway. And you better believe those same tyrants will DEMAND that your child take the shots.

They already KNOW that you gave in to their tyrannical demands that you wear those bacteria filled masks and forced your children to wear them. The “mask thing” divided us more than ever. The “vaccine thing” divided us more than ever. The “Hydroxychloroquine thing” The “Ivermectin thing” divided us more than ever. So I wonder what it will do when they force younger children to take the vaccine… IF you want to take them to Disneyworld… IF you want to take them shopping with you… IF you want them to go to school… IF you want to fly to see your mother (their grandmother)… IF they need medical care in hospitals.

We just witnessed last week a case where a woman was going to die unless she had a kidney transplant, and her sister wanted to donate her kidney, but the hospital refused unless they BOTH got the vaccine. What if it is your child who needs a kidney, but they refuse unless you let them force the vaccine on them? These are the kinds of scenarios playing out now.

They will refuse to let the child of a Democrat, Republican, Independent, White, Black, Asian, Latino get a kidney transplant, and let them die… UNLESS they force your child with the jab, which could cause them to die. Are these things making it any clearer that this was NEVER about a virus… that this was NEVER about Republicans vs. Democrats? This was about the Communist Chinese Party taking over our country, Canada, Australia, the U.K., Europe, etc… and the U.N. pulling the puppet strings. You think it could never happen here? Neither did Australians and Canadians, but most of them would beg you to wake up before it is too late for us, too. It looks like it could very well be too late for us, unless we get a miracle from God.

The evil Communist dictator of New South Wales, just resigned, but ONLY AFTER being caught for accepting $65,000,000 “grants” from Pfizer and Astra Zeneca to mandate masks, social distancing, lockdowns and vaccines. Five of her evil cronies also resigned. The people there ALSO were divided into political groups, and liberals hated conservatives just like they do here and in Canada, the U.K., Europe, etc.

The CCP, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and the Medical Mafia (Big Pharma) et al planned it ALL THIS WAY. Timothy Springer with Moderna ALREADY made 5.9 BILLION. None of us can comprehend billions or trillions of dollars, but these evil people have likely made cumulatively QUADRILLIONS, and would almost certainly make QUINTILLIONS and EVEN MORE if they can force 8 BILLION people around the globe to take the shot. With that kind of money, do you really think they care how many children of Republicans, Independents, or Democrats they paralyze or kill?

Their goal, as seen in class warfare, is to have a permanent Nobility class that controls the slave class. The only way they can do that is to destroy the middle class, which they have almost succeeded with WORLDWIDE.

Most of us who are middle class, look at the richest people in our communities as being the “elite”. That is NOT how multibillionaires look at them. They see them as being too poor to own their own island, jet and helicopter. If you made half a million a year, you would have to work 262,000 years to make as much money as Bill Gates has. Gates said that for every BILLION he invests in vaccines, he makes over 20 BILLION.

If they succeed and force us into their “quarantine camps”, we will have good company like Don Lemon, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg and Jane Fonda. They will be doing slave labor just like everyone else, and taking BOOSTERS no. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 through 199. They may be the first to go to the camps, so these top 1% of the TRUE noble elite can enjoy their mansions, yachts, and garages full of cars like Jay Leno has.

All you have to do is look at the World Economic Forum web site, and Klaus Schwab tells of their plan, that by 2030, “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. In other words, THEY WILL OWN EVERYTHING… even your home in the suburbs and your children. And as long as you act happy with the one bedroom apartment they rent to your family of four, they may rent you a thermometer when you need one. As long as you act happy when they force BOOSTER no. 5,6,7,8 and 9 on your child, they may let you take one child out for a five-minute walk.

In 2010 Bill Gates said in a TV interview that if they could get vaccines and reproductive health just right, that it could reduce the world population by 10% to 15%. Clinton said in, “Putting People First” that one day they must get with world leaders and figure out what to do about an “unsustainable population growth”.

The Clintons were right there with Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum with them pointing their fingers at us saying, “JUST DO AS YOU’RE TOLD!” Biden’s patience is “wearing thin” with 80,000,000 of us who ARE NOT doing as we are told. Fauci has had it with us, too and yelling at us to “Just get over it and take the “vaccine”!” D.C. is hiring 80,000 IRS investigators, while firing nurses doctors, police, firemen, etc. who refuse the vaccine.

The presidents of Tanzania and Ghana “died” after telling that the WEF (Klaus Schwab) offered them money to shut down their countries. The President of Belarus said the same thing, and hopefully has really good security, and God watching over him. Bill Gates is the 2nd largest contributor, next to the U.S., to the WHO.

In 2015, Bill Gates said “If anything kills over ten million people in the next few decades, it would most likely be due to a highly infectious virus, rather than war”.  He said his favorite author is Vaclav Smil who wrote about pandemics being the biggest form of bioterrorism. In 2016 Gates drew up the Preliminary Vaccine Business Plan for his RNA and DNA drugs, but there was no virus to try them on. A Power Point presentation was made at the World Economic Forum (which I think can still be viewed). Bill Gates demanded BILLIONS from the federal government and got BILLIONS from BARDA (Rick Bright) and more from NIH (Dr. Francis Collins) and more from NIAD (Fauci), and formed a vaccine business partnership with the CDC, FDA, WEF, etc.

Dr. Francis Collins resigned from the CDC, but ONLY AFTER BEING caught for funding Fauci’s gain of function studies at the Wuhan Lab. Millions of people are wanting Fauci to be charged criminally. He whined to Michele Wallace on MSNBC that it is “those people who do not believe in science” who want him charged.

Obama had STOPPED the gain of function research, but in 2010, hired Christine Brady (Anthony Fauci’s wife) to the head of Human Subjects Research and Bioethics, and gave her the power to lift the moratorium if she thought it was worth the risk of killing millions of people. Nine days before Trump was inaugurated, she thought it was worth it.

In 2017 Fauci announced that we would have a surprise pandemic soon. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! By May 2019, PCR test orders SOARED in China! For all I know, it could have been because they believed Fauci was a prophet. There certainly was NO NEED for them at that time. In October of 2019, Event 201 was held at the Pierre Hotel in New York as a SARS-based aerosol pandemic “simulation” just before the alleged wet market release.

On October 29, 2019, at the Milken Institute, Michael Specter a New Yorker staff writer asked Fauci, “Why don’t we blow the system up, so everyone in the world would get this vaccine that has not been given to anyone yet?” Fauci said, “We really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that, unless you do it from within and say, “I don’t care what your perception is! WE’RE GOING TO ADDRESS THE PROBLEM IN A DISRUPTIVE WAY!”

Rick Bright (BARDA), who President Trump had fired, said “It is not TOO CRAZY to think an outbreak of a novel virus could occur in China somewhere”. (Somewhere like the Wuhan Lab, perhaps???)

Parasite discovered in multiple vaccines

So, BEFORE we had Covid, it was the agenda of the (communist) UN and the WHO to “vaccinate everyone, everywhere, at every age”. Why do you think the CCP and Bill Gates have been buying up millions of acres of farmland and businesses in the U.S., Europe, Australia and Canada? We’ve always known that the CCP wants all of us in freedom loving countries dead. We’ve always known about Bill Gates’ dream to control the population, the weather and our food supply. So “those people” like Don Lemon who calls us stupid for being vaccine-hesitant, and screams that we SHOULD NOT get medical care, and they should just let us die “from Covid”, you may want to consider being thankful that “these people” are rearranging our homes, adding beds and stocking up on food, just in case we could possibly be right, so that we can take care of you if Fauci did gain of function on those vaccines, perhaps like putting parasites in some of them and then forbidding hospitals to use Ivermectin.

He used tens of millions of your tax dollars at the U of GA to pump parasites in the stomachs of sweet little docile beagles, just to watch them cry and die. He denied them Ivermectin, too. You have NO IDEA what was in the shot you got. Doctors doing scientific studies just found what they believe to be parasites in some of Pfizer’s vials.

In Japan, they disposed of 1,600,000 doses they found graphene oxide in. And Dr. Peter Breggin found a paper buried in the WEF where a watchdog had made a note that these vaccines are far too dangerous to even try on humans. He claims that Bill Gates paid a measly million dollars to get the watchdog fired. Because “That’s just the way it has to be.”

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