Honoring Those Who Served this Veterans Day – by State Sen. Jim Tomes

Having the fortune and blessing of living in this great nation, America, we not only accept the rewards of living free and the measure of liberty that comes with that, we also recognize the obligations and responsibilities.

Veterans Day affords all of us the opportunity to reflect on the many brave warriors who served and are serving in the Armed Forces that secure the rights and protections our Constitution stipulates.

The opportunity to express gratitude for the cost of freedom paid by our service men and women can be displayed by our conduct. Standing during our National Anthem or reverence to our Nation’s flag would be just a small token of a grateful and deserving people.

Thank you brothers and sisters in arms! God Bless America.

State Sen. Jim Tomes (R – Wadesville) meets with Rolling Thunder Indiana Chapter 6 President Jerry Blake (left) and Secretary Mary Jane Miller (middle)

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