It’s Only Fair – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

When Democrats perceive a problem, the next step in their agenda isn’t to “solve it” but make it fairer through more government involvement (translate: make it bigger).

As we’ve seen, if Democrats lose an election, their first thought is not what they represent—their ideas, policies, or maybe their very ideology—is wrong, and hence refused by the electorate at the ballot box. It’s simply that their ideas aren’t being explained correctly; the marketing was ineffective and didn’t convince voters. Or…the election wasn’t fair; it was fixed.

If Democrats fail in reaching a goal, their first thought is “There’s not enough government involvement to make it fair. We need government’s hand to fix that.” Their answer to any problem is always more government.

But government under Democrats hasn’t solved problems or made them fair; it managed them, so the problems grew. Their solution is always the same and stealthily incremental. Democrat solutions to any perceived problem is more massive, broad control by a central power. As comedian and commentator Adam Carolla once described it, “When progressives find out that they’re out of problems, new ones are created.”

In the case of the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare), instead of finding health insurance coverage for the “supposed” 28-30 million (actually, less than half that) who were “uninsured” (solving the actual problem), the Obama Regime and Democrat Congress forced Obamacare on the entire nation to make everything fair. This extreme solution in search of a problem unfairly raised the cost for everyone’s health insurance and severely limited access and choice of doctors.

This is the Democrats’ “fairness” fixation: everything for everybody or nothing for anybody. Obamacare was an unconstitutional fraud; all done for the need to control over one-sixth of our nation’s economy and a precursor for something more ominous.

We see that “something” (same scheme) for the Chinese virus: All Americans will get Covid-19 injections, whether needed or not. It’s only fair… to implement total control.

But don’t worry, it’s only Marxism.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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