The Anomaly – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

I have spent at least 5,000 hours over the last two years learning everything I could about covid, masks, the shots and BOOSTERS a/k/a “vaccines” that they are DETERMINED to force in the arms of 8 BILLION people. That would allow the top 1% of these multibillionaires to ENRICH THEMSELVES with enough money that could have made every person on the planet a millionaire, and ended starvation, malnutrition and homelessness. You know how much they care about people’s health. (sarcasm intended).

I believed that our lives depended on me learning everything I could possibly learn about covid and the jab. I read and listened to everything I could find, from the time our nurses and doctors were classified as ESSENTIAL WORKERS and were called HEROES, until recently when Biden and our government determined that nurses, doctors, paramedics, the police, sheriffs, our military, teachers, pilots, truck drivers… our TRUE HEROES are UNDESIRABLE and EXPENDABLE.

Hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses and healthcare workers are protesting around the globe after being fired for refusing to take the jabs. The “news” never told us WHY world-renowned medical experts, scientists, including vaccinologists were refusing to take the jab. The ONLY WAY to get information about that, was to watch live videos of their round table discussions, hearings and speeches… and to look at their autopsy reports and pictures of blood smears, as they explained what they were finding in vaxxed people.

That was critical information that I desperately needed to know about if I was to keep us safe. I looked at everything I could find that was happening to the vaxxed in other countries, though some countries did not even have a system to report vaccine injuries and deaths. It became just as hard to get information from Australia as it is to get information about the treatment of Uighurs in China, or to get news from North Korea. Australia has become known as “THE BIGGEST PRISON IN THE WORLD”, and Canada is not too far behind Australia.

It was horrifying to watch their BRUTAL treatment by BLM and ANTIFA that had ALSO been planted in their countries by George Soros. New York and California were close behind Canada. Churches were burned, and pastors were tormented and literally tortured for “inciting church”, which simply meant they were keeping their churches open. This World War III seemed more like a war between God and Lucifer, light and dark, good and evil to me, than a Global Vaccine War, as some have called it.

I watched the video of Pastor Artur Pawlowski as he was pulled from his car, arrested, hog-tied and dragged down a busy highway in Canada, then placed naked and tortured in solitary confinement because he dared to continue having church services. It seemed to me as though Europe was the first country to succumb to Communism/Marxism/Fascism that some government leaders are now openly calling The One World Order.

I can only surmise that was because Europe has only 20% of citizens who believe in God. Europeans were the first, to the best of my knowledge who were told by Macron that they could not buy food unless they could show their papers that they had taken the jab.

It was just like we learned from Revelation that in the end times, we would not be able to buy or sell without taking the Mark of the Beast, numbered 666. Ironically, the patent number of the Moderna jab that was patented in 2020 is WO-2020-060606-A1. (Now how does that translate exactly? WO = World Order? Year 2020 is obvious. Number 060606 (666) is the obvious chosen signifier for the vaccine itself (even though Soros-owned sites like tells us to pay no attention to that). A1 = Attempt number 1? I mean, just because they hide the number in the midst of year and model qualifiers and zeros to space out the sixes, are we to pretend that the 666 isn’t there, or that it shouldn’t matter?)

Justin Trudeau brazenly said that Covid was the perfect tool to usher in their “Great Reset” (which is not great at all for anyone except for these multi-billionaires like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Mark Zuckerberg, the CCP, et al. For 99.9999% of us we would lose our right to own property, to work and live where we choose, to raise our children the way we choose, and to make our own health decisions and to choose our own doctors and churches).

George H. W. Bush was the first president who I heard talking about wanting The New World Order for America. Anyone who has tried to find out anything about Covid 19 and WHY the citizens in many states and countries were being forced to wear masks, social distance, shut down their businesses and forced to take the jab, will inevitably go down the path leading to the fact that we have been controlled by The One World Government, rather than the rule of law over the past two years, and we ALL were denied our Constitutional rights and protections.

Very few of us had paid attention to the fact that the CCP, George Soros (Open Societies), Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum), Big Tech and Big Pharma had been strategically infiltrating our governments with the CCP for decades. All the CCP and Bill Gates cared about was GETTING THAT SHOT IN EVERY ARM OF EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET, except the military, doctors, nurses and scientists in China. They wanted the BOOSTER in EVERY ARM, and already want the 4th shot in every arm! In some countries, YOU WILL TAKE EVERY BOOSTER OR ELSE!

They did not care about the devastation of lives or economies in any country except China. In Austria, brothels offered prostitutes for free to anyone taking the jab. In the USA, Hustler offered free lap dances for a year to anyone moronic enough to take them up on it. Free cotton candy at fairs, free french fries, free college tuition, free lottery tickets for a million dollars, etc. It seems that nearly half the people took them up on these offers, while the other half were EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS and not too keen on something that they had to offer free prostitutes and free lap dances for.

That is when people were threatened around the globe, and severely punished for refusing the jab. They were fired from their jobs and left with no means to feed their families. They were called murderers in some countries, and “vermin” (a common slang term used to dehumanize Jews in Nazi Germany) in others. Extremely intelligent doctors, nurses, teachers, airplane pilots, police officers and sheriffs were called “stupid” and “uncaring”.

Recently, the number of “covid deaths” was corrected in Italy, BUT ONLY AFTER they had threatened their citizens with losing their jobs if they did not take the 3rd shot (which most people did). It was reported that in fact, there WERE NOT 132,161 “covid deaths”, but ACTUALLY ONLY 3,783 TRUE COVID DEATHS! Natural News and El Tiempo reported that 97.1% of “Covid deaths” were fraudulent claims. Gibraltar, Israel and Italy had BY FAR the most vaccinated people of 96% to 99%, but their hospitals were full and overflowing with sick and dying people. THIS WHOLE COVID THING started with the elderly in Italy, who had already lived 10 to 20 years past their life expectancies.

Nearly 90% of all “Covid deaths” around the globe were of people OVER 80 years old… 80, 90, 100 years old! New York (where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation held Event 201 in October of 2019) became ground zero in the U.S. for “Covid deaths”.

We later learned that Cuomo had falsified the number of “Covid deaths”, but Americans seem to be much more interested in Cuomo’s illegal sex acts than Covid deaths. In the AARP December 2020 Special Edition on Nursing Home Deaths, it was reported that many elderly people in nursing homes in New York and New Jersey were TOTALLY ABANDONED and starved to death while Cuomo and nursing home “bigwigs” were busy making sure they could not be sued as long as they called deaths “Covid deaths”. Hundreds of millions of dollars could be made from the federal government (taxpayers), as long as deaths were said to be “due to Covid”.

Months later, the Canadian military discovered 126 elderly people dead in one nursing home in Canada. They were ALSO TOTALLY ABANDONED and died from dehydration. No one has a clue if all those old people in nursing homes in New York and New Jersey ACTUALLY died from starvation and dehydration. We most likely WILL NEVER KNOW.

The only thing we can know for certain is that there was absolutely no need for a vaccination in Italy if there were ONLY 3,783 TRUE COVID DEATHS. There was ABSOLUTELY no need to destroy their economy with lockdowns. The same is true in the U.S.. When the news media showed 220,000 “Covid deaths”, Dr. Birx and the CDC did a televised briefing, and said that ACTUALLY there were ONLY 9,683 TRUE COVID DEATHS… about the same percentage as Italy in fraudulent claims. Definitely not enough deaths to warrant “vaccinations”.

When American citizens said that we were being lied to about the number of covid deaths, they were asked “What about Italy? Are they lying too?”. What about all the other countries? As soon as statistics came out for deaths in 2020, that is when protests broke out around the globe about mask mandates and lockdowns, because there were no excess number of deaths there, either. People around the globe began calling Covid a “hoax”. When they had peaceful protests, some countries had police on horses who trampled the protesters. In other countries, the police began beating the protesters, and attack dogs were released on them. I watched several of the videos, but FB took them down pretty quickly.

I watched the video of a funeral home director in Australia who said that he knew they would try to kill him for telling what he and other funeral home directors had seen with no UNUSUAL NUMBER OF DEATHS during 2020, but an EXTREMELY UNUSUAL number of deaths of younger people AFTER THE VACCINE campaigns.

I watched round table discussions of medical experts telling how their lives had been threatened and their license to practice taken away when they told of therapeutics they had used on tens of thousands of Covid patients, and NOT ONE SINGLE COVID PATIENT died, and very few were hospitalized. Facebook continually took their videos down, as well.

I watched hearings where people told of “vaccine” injuries. I watched many videos of people who had been totally disabled from “vaccine” injuries. I looked at updates on VAERS and similar reporting systems in other countries. I watched videos of doctors explaining that it took at least 40 minutes to file a report with VAERS, and they were strongly encouraged not to do so. I watched the Pfizer CEO say last week that it is a crime for anyone to show their injuries or to tell about the deaths in their families, or to tell about all the felonies and lawsuits against Pfizer. Anyone can look those up, and find the 70 CCP members on Pfizer’s board.

The people making TRILLIONS of dollars from these orchestrated “vaccines” are the same people who own 98% of the news media. So, do you really think you will learn the truth about covid or these “vaccines” on the news? We will NEVER know the truth about how few people ACTUALLY died from Covid. We WILL NEVER know the truth about how many people were permanently disabled, paralyzed or died from the “vaccines”.

The same people, including Biden, who are demanding that you take the “vaccine” or else you will not be allowed to work and provide for your families, are the same people who give you the “news” about what is safe and what is not. They are the same people who make the BIG BUCKS for their families while forcing you to pay the BIG BUCKS for gasoline, food and basic necessities. As Obama said last month at their meeting in Glasgow, these exorbitant prices do not affect people like him much at all. It is 99.99% of people around the world who must lower our standard of living and be willing to suffer “a little” for the common good of 1% of them.

People like Obama, the Clintons, Justin Trudeau, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Greta Thunberg, Prince Charles, et al… pay more for ONE TRIP to tell YOU to, “JUST DO AS YOU’RE TOLD!!” than most of us on minimum wage or Social Security make in five years.

I saved the good news for last. Hundreds of millions of people around the globe are waking up and having weekly MASSIVE protests. I watched one in Australia recently, and chills literally would not stop going down my spine. I watched another in Canada where they had another Worldwide Freedom Rally at Shaw Millennium Park. They carried signs that say, “ARREST JUSTIN TRUDEAU FOR TREASON”, “I am not a science experiment”, and “90% of the population endorsed Hitler’s science”.

Australia did not seem to have a chance to free themselves from TOTAL BRUTAL AUTHORITARIANISM until just one lone young man whose show is called “ANOMALY” delivered the real news. Australians are incredibly grateful to Americans for uniting with them now. At least Biden is keeping that ONE promise to unite us. We are now united with Australians, Canadians, Europeans, Venezuelans and all the citizens in countries who used voting machines for decades to keep BRUTAL, EVIL DICTATORS in power to destroy their countries. Proof that God can do miracles if just one person gets involved in doing God’s work.

Perhaps that next person, that next anomaly… is you.

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