“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 20 – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

Due to the fact that I worked as a court reporter and legal assistant for 23 years, I have a fairly good vocabulary. However, I had no idea what “cognitive dissonance” meant until recently. I would imagine that wives of serial rapists or serial killers have the most severe cases of cognitive dissonance. When the FBI shows up at their door to tell them it was their husband who they had been searching for, the wives JUST CANNOT BELIEVE it could POSSIBLY BE TRUE! Even when they see all the evidence, they STILL have a very hard time accepting the truth.

Just as those wives trusted their husbands unequivocally, most of us trusted the news to give us the truth. WE NEVER IMAGINED IN OUR WILDEST DREAMS that the news media would even consider telling us bald faced lies. After all, we are not living in China or North Korea where propaganda is all they hear on the “news”! We believed that SURELY NOT ALL OF THEM would lie to us, or withhold information that would destroy an ENTIRE CLASS of people, the middle class.

A lot of people knew that a few journalists, like Brian Williams, had told us some really BIG WHOPPERS, but we believed that the others who worked with him were mostly telling us the truth. Americans did not know that when President Trump called the news media “our enemy”, that people in many other countries were ALSO calling the news media their “worst enemy”. How could that be when Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and the mainstream news media told us that old white men were our worst enemy? And that all white people are “white supremacist”, racist, homophobic and misogynistic, and if we deny those things, THAT IS PROOF that WE ARE ALL THOSE THINGS.

Most all of us believed that we could fully trust the FDA and CDC, who were our best friends to keep us safe from things like E-coli or Zika (Gosh, what ever happened to that purported impending doom?).

Australians had the TGA, and other countries had similar systems to protect them from harmful drugs. These systems had worked fairly well for us in the past, and they halted vaccines that killed only one or two children, or those that harmed 20 children. I wrote in one of my earlier articles that the military locked 24,000 children in a football stadium without their parents and jabbed them. I had seen where three of the children had died immediately and many fell into the floor having seizures. However, a few days later, I saw a funeral home director in Australia, who claimed that actually it was seven (7) children who died. He only knew that others were in ICU.

It is very hard to get news out of Australia. That ONE INCIDENT ALONE would once have gotten the FDA to STOP allowing these so called “vaccines” to be given to children, or so we thought, and so we trusted.

Many people are STILL suffering from cognitive dissonance. They just CANNOT believe that our government would allow Big Pharma to sell a drug to harm and kill our children. Some people in other countries are also experiencing severe cognitive dissonance. They had also believed their governments protected them and would only tell parents to do things that are good for their children.

Screenshot from: The Epoch Times website

How MANY MORE children will die before they STOP? (Epoch Times even recently published an article stating that far more children are dying from the vaccine than from the virus.) There is no sign of them letting up, but they seem to be accelerating in the push to jab EVERY CHILD IN THE WORLD, even those who have already been vaccine injured.

On October 26 of 2021, they did add something called TRIS to children’s doses in hopes that it might stop the myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes and heart attacks children have been suffering from in 2021 after being jabbed, or AT LEAST in hopes that it might stave off the heart damage for a while.

We were taught in school that there are three branches of government that govern us. That all changed in 2020. It took some of us TWO LONG YEARS to figure out that we now have an unelected 4th branch of government called BIG PHARMA that controls nearly everything in our lives, including how far we have to stand away from each other. Whether or not we can go to church, and whether or not we can sing in church. Whether or not our children can go to school or have proms, graduations, Christmas parades, or even attend their parents’ or grandparents’ funerals… or funerals of their cousins and best friends who could not take this kind of egregious tyranny and took their own lives.

No one has a clue how many children took their own lives during 2020 and 2021. We only know that the numbers were “off the charts”, and it happened everywhere there were tyrannical lockdowns and where children were forced to wear masks, and they struggled just to breathe. How much more were the emotional and psychological effects on these children?

Should the Big Pharma “swamp” (NIH, NAID, CDC, WHO, FDA, J&J, Phizer, Moderna, Gates Foundation, etc.) be held accountable for all the misery, suffering, destruction, devastation and deaths? The unelected official, Fauci, was the one running the show for them. We certainly didn’t elect him to have total control over our health and lives, or the lives of our children. Rather, Dr. Birx and Fauci were elected, selected, and chosen by Big Pharma to pose as experts despite their experimental and immoral history, a political move which is not uncommon in the mafia or even drug cartels.

It seemed as though the drug cartel overtook Big Pharma in Australia first. When Brett Baier asked Debra Birx WHY she traumatized all the American people with greatly exaggerated predictions of Covid deaths, when it was mostly black and Latino men who were over 70 who were morbidly obese and had other comorbidities, dying from Covid. Birx said they knew that she was known for “not being optimistic”.

OF COURSE, Big Pharma would have chosen a known pessimist to traumatize and instill INSANE FEAR AND MASS HYSTERIA on an entire nation, even the entire world. Birx did her fearmongering job VERY WELL, and likely better than Big Pharma dared to hope for. We saw skinny little white women in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, scared out of their minds, RUNNING AS FAST AS THEY COULD, and even cutting in line for tests and “vaccines”. You have to admit that Birx was a good actress, and able to convince Americans to stay away from their families during Thanksgiving, while flying three generations of her family to her vacation home on an island to spend the holiday together in opposition to what she told the rest of us. Corrupt governments that want to enslave their citizens KNOW VERY WELL how easy it is to brainwash people AFTER YOU TERRIFY AND TRAUMATIZE them.

Then there’s little-big-man, Anthony Fauci. Fauci reminds me of Lord Farquad in the movie Shrek, when he said, “Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”. In March of 2020, Mark Zuckerburg asked Fauci about these “vaccines”. Fauci did not hesitate to tell Zuckerburg that it is possible these “vaccines” could make Covid worse, make it spread worse, and kill more people. Fauci seems to have an out-of-control superiority complex and reminded “Zuck” about the vaccines that made HIV AIDS much worse and killed people, including hundreds of foster children that Child Welfare in New York handed over to Fauci to experiment on (research Guinea Pig Children).

Incredulously, Fauci also reminded “Zuck” about the vaccine that made respiratory problems in children much worse and caused far too many children to die. Then there was the swine flu vaccine disaster with children. If BIG PHARMA planned on forcing these shots in the arms of 8 BILLION people, and then one BOOSTER AFTER ANOTHER, they would have to choose someone just like Lord Farquad. They would have to choose a total sociopath who has no remorse for all the children who have died from their past “cures”. Trust that the highly strategic Big Pharma carefully selected the most unremorseful, most unconscionable, and most unapologetic mad scientist on the planet to accomplish their malicious agenda.

Barack Obama and Anthony Fauci even went together to a Washington DC elementary school to encourage children to get vaccinated with the experimental gene therapy! CHILDREN!

On CBS, “60 Minutes” did a documentary about the 1976 Swine Flu Fraud, but there will be no documentaries or news about all the suicides, myocarditis, pericarditis, deaths and permanent disabilities of all the young healthy athletes after they got jabbed in 2021, because Big Pharma owns 99% of the news media around the world.

We should ALL feel a certain amount of responsibility for children, since they DO NOT have a voice. PLEASE BE THEIR VOICE and share what you learn about the deaths and sex trafficking of children. Foster care in the U.S. is the main hub for international child sex trafficking and was the main source for Fauci to experiment on children WHO DID NOT EVEN HAVE AIDS, with his AIDS “injections”. Hopefully most of you will read “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert Kennedy to further solidify your understanding of the Big-Pharma-selected mass murdering mad scientist.

Of course, we need to pray for the children, but we also MUST be the news and let others know where all the children have gone. God help our children, and God help America and may He restore the God-given freedoms to those now locked in Covid concentration camps all over the world.

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