Opinion: History in the Making – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

I wrote this article on Valentine’s Day and it was the 17th straight day that I have watched the Freedom Rally in Canada. I stand by my story since the very first day I watched. There is so much love there that it has been like watching a little bit of Heaven on Earth. There has been SO MUCH TALK about all the love there, that it caused many people to take their fiancés or spouse there on Valentine’s Day JUST TO SEE if they feel the love as much as others have talked about. THEY DO!

Most people are attributing it to God’s love, and I TOTALLY AGREE. There is nothing besides God’s love that could cause such unity and cause so many men to break down and cry because they are overwhelmed at the feeling of love and watching so many acts of kindness.

There are VERY FEW exceptions, but one particular old woman was so incredibly mean, nasty and vulgar that it could cause impressionable children to hate ALL OLD WOMEN. Justin Trudeau in all his egregious ugliness, reared his head and said he has followed Biden’s advice to call in the feds and have them use every tool in their toolbox to crush these people fighting for the freedoms that Trudeau and Biden have taken away from us.

Trudeau is implementing the “Emergency Act”. The reason he gave is that the “people are causing” all the problems that he, himself, has been causing for over two years, mainly preventing people from working. He lies like a dawg and insists these people are violent.

Then one night a group of protesters who were protesting the protesters walked through looking REALLY SCARY with their stupid masks on… about 200 of them. They carried signs that said, “Fascist bullies go home!”, “GET VAXXED!”, “Go home terrorists” and “Go home haters!”. That all went INCREDIBLY WELL since the so-called “bullies”, “terrorists” and “haters” gave them free pizza, snacks and their cell phones they accidentally dropped. I swear you cannot make this stuff up!

They were treated so well that I would bet my bottom dollar that they returned WITHOUT MASKS the following day for free pancakes. The masks are a dead giveaway as to what kind of person you are dealing with. They clearly were not paid by George Soros like BLM and ANTIFA, or they would have burned the town down. So, everything went back to “normal” with EVERYBODY there LOVING EVERYBODY ELSE there. The evidence is irrefutable that Trudeau is lying about a “violent” protest, as they have over 60,000 hours of video of everyone smiling, laughing, dancing, praying, begging for Trudeau just to lift his draconian mandates of forced “vaccines” IF THEY WANT TO EAT and feed their children.

They have videos of children having a ball in bouncy houses, playing hockey, jumping on hay bales, a dog riding around on a skateboard, and children begging Trudeau to stop making them wear masks.

For some strange reason, the provinces decided to turn off their video equipment, but “the news” just conveniently happened to show up at the very space and at the very second that one rogue individual showed up with a confederate flag. I have a feeling that was Joe Biden’s idea.

Dems in the USA called it a “love fest” when BLM and ANTIFA were burning down entire towns and car lots, looting all the stores, and were dragging old people out of their cars and beating them to death. But this truly is a “love fest”. The evidence is OVERWHELMING and IRREFUTABLE. I called everyone I knew and posted to various groups I belong to about it the very first day and told people they really should watch this Freedom Rally. I said it was like that Canada was the place where the earth touches Heaven. I had said that once before when I was speaking to a group of high-ranking officials from the Pentagon at Fort Campbell (no joke). It felt like that then… when EVERYBODY there loved, respected and honored EVERYONE ELSE there.

When I posted about the Freedom Convoy in one group, women started posting hearts, likes and asking where they could watch the Freedom Rally. And then one woman said, “It is an anti-vax rally”. I explained that it was not and that many people were vaccinated, and many people were not vaccinated. I explained the HORRORS of what Canadians and Australians had been through for over two years. Another woman who DID NOT KNOW about these horrors said, “TERRIFYING, OUTRAGEOUS AND RIDICULOUS”. I was immediately suspended on Facebook from commenting for one month.

People who take away your freedom of expression and your ability to share truth is what is TRULY TERRIFYING and OUTRAGEOUS above anything else. I am truly blessed that God gave me a platform where I can share the truth.
2 Chronicles 36:16 talks about people who mocked God’s messengers. When God gives people a platform to speak truth into this world, I feel pretty sure they are God’s messengers. This is not about left vs right. This is about wrong vs. right. If you are on the side that takes away people’s right to speak, you are on the wrong side. You better make sure before it is too late, that you are on the side that God wants you on.

This shadow-banning censorship couldn’t have happened at a worse time for me, because the friends I have that I can rely on for help are out of state for another month. I wasn’t too worried because I knew if I needed help, I could reach out to this Facebook group that boasts of being “family”. At least, they did not stop me from keeping up with what was happening in their lives.

I saw that they were starting a support group for women who had breast cancer or survived breast cancer. (I survived cancer but have been in excruciating pain.) I started to tell them I needed a support group, but then I realized I could not respond. Several times that I have wanted to give nice items away, I contacted the group and there was ALWAYS someone to pick those items up. I decided I wanted to get rid of six matching etched wine glasses and started to reach out to this group again… and then remembered they had suspended me from being part of “the family”. Of course, it is humiliating when you realize there are people who think you are not worthy to speak to them, and they call you “that woman” when explaining to the group that they had shut me up for one month.

Several of the women have told of being depressed, sad and so anxious they cannot sleep. If there is currently ANYTHING that would make people feel hope in fellow man, it is this FREEDOM RALLY, but by shutting me up, they prevented those women from having such a FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE that I believe WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY as the next best thing to the Billy Graham Crusades, and perhaps even BIGGER than the MLK rallies. You don’t need these women on your side when you’ve got God and these truckers, farmers, nurses, doctors, first responders and truthful journalists on your side and standing for our freedoms. While these women, these mothers claim to be there for other women and other mothers, apparently, we are only free to have our opinion as long as it is their opinion.

What hurts mothers the WORST is when someone hurts their child. I had told my son that I would contact this group and see if anyone had teenage children or grandchildren who may want to plan to start walking with us when nice weather gets here. He became bedridden with POTS when he was 7, and was bedridden for about 8 years, so he doesn’t have a lot of friends who have time to take long walks. It made me sick to have to tell him that this group suspended me from reaching out for help for one month.

He hates to see people censored as much as I do, and especially when truth is censored so that people will BELIEVE ALL THE LIES. Journalists have asked HUNDREDS of people why they are there, and they ALL SAID it is the FORCED “vaccines”, and FORCED mask mandates, and they just want their freedoms back to make their own health decisions. I hate for my son to see that there are people this COLD HEARTED.

Good luck with believing the lies, when there is a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence that exists now, but you are too dang ornery and deceived to even look for truth. This story has become one of THE BIGGEST STORIES OF OUR TIME all around the world in which the PEOPLE have finally stood up to the BULLIES. Perhaps the day is coming when we will too.

After all, since the Canadian Trucker Convoy Protest began, truckers in New Zealand, America, and other countries are now following suit. There may be hope yet.

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